Chapter 1 ~ The familiar scent

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Friday 27th April

♡Colleen's diary entry♡

Dear Diary,
I had so much fun today. Erik came over (as usual) and we had so much fun. I love his company. He's so cute. I love him so much.

♡Erik's POV♡

I knocked on Colleen's door. I don't know why but every time I go to her place I get butterflies. I'm always afraid she'll not like me. I don't deserve her. She's out of my league and I've no idea why she likes me.

♡Colleen's POV♡

Yay Erik's here! I can't wait to see him. I have so much to tell him.
*opens door*
"HELLO BEBAAYY!" Erik laughs.
I laugh at him. He's so funny.
"I have so much to tell you!" I say.
"Ooh spill!" Says Erik.
I lead him to the couch and we sit down. He places his hand on my thigh and stares into my eyes. I lean towards him and kiss him.
"I love you." I whisper.
"I love you too, beautiful." He smiles.
I brush my hair out of my eyes like I always do around him. I gaze up at him and he smiles. He's the cutest.

♡Erik's POV♡

As we sit on the couch I place my hand on my thigh. Why am I so awkward? I stare into her beautiful brown eyes and she leans in towards me. She smells amazing. She smells like home. As her lips touch mine, I remind myself just how much I love her. She tells me she loves me and instinctively I tell her I love her too. She brushes her hair out of her eyes and gazes up at me. She's the absolute cutest.
"Babe, wanna read some FanFic?" She suggests. I love FanFic. It's amazing to read what fans write about their thoughts on our romance. I have to admit, most stories are very like us.
"Yes" I mumble. To be honest she probably had no clue what I said but just guessed that I did. I always do.

♡Colleen's POV♡

I open Wattpad and search Erikleen. I wanted to see if there were any new ones. We'd already read most of the Erikleen stories. I never search Stockleen or Collrick. They're not good tube as Erik says. I click on a new one and as usual we act it out until we laugh.
"I love you so much, baby snuffle bear" I read, trying not to laugh. Baby snuffle bear?! Wow!
"I love you too my beautiful cuddle rabbit" he reads, smirking. Erik reads the stage direction and hugs me. I kiss him.
"* Colleen takes off her shirt*" I read and take my shirt off.

♡Erik's POV♡

As Colleen takes her shirt off she gives me a shy smile. Her eyes are bright.
"*Erik takes his shirt off*" I read and take off my shirt. Looking at her, I can see that she's uncomfortable. At least it's not just me. I glance at the screen and read it.
"Want to get a room" I smirk as I look up from the phone screen.
"Yes baby" Colleen reads. I try not to grin and look over at Colleen who collapses into laughter. I smile. She always looks even more beautiful when she laughs. I know we're not in the writer's characters for us anymore but I don't care. I still keep playing my character. I slide my hand under her and pick her up.

♡Colleen's POV♡

As I laugh, I feel Erik's strong arm slide under me. I squeal in surprise. What is he doing? I glance at the screen just before he lifts me up and realise he's still in character.
"You know we're out of character right?" I ask. I'm kind of confused as Erik usually snaps out at the same time as me.
"Yes. I just-" he starts.
"I know." I whisper. "I love you too."
He leans in towards me and I can smell his scent. It's different to usual but it smells familiar. Just not as strong as I know. As he goes to kiss me I pull back.
"What's that scent?" I ask him.

♡Erik's POV♡

Dang it. I knew I shouldn't have switched it up. I just didn't want her to think I'm boring.
"Masculine sensuality" I answer.

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