SA- Another time (Kyungseok)

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'oh my god its true! This is so weird! Uh hi! You are my soulmate? I think...'

Kyunghun looks at minsung with a slight frown "hyung... why do you have to move to daegu? are you happy in seoul?" he asks as the taller boy sighs "My parents are making me, believe me i would stay here if i could... plus i had a job offer at a local hospital in daegu so i have to go" minsung ruffles up kyunghuns light brown hair "you're coming back right? to visit me and stuff?" kyunghun asks in a soft tone "of course i am stupid" minsung chuckles before taking his hand off kyunghun's head.

Kyunghun waits a while before looking for an answer back, we walks home as the clouds start turning grey he bolts down the streets towards his house. He swings the door open and slams it as he pants "did the ink wash off?!" he looks down at his arm to see the black fine ink was still there as he let out a sigh of relief. He walks upstairs and into the dimly lit room before switching on the light that illuminates the room in a light blue tint before looking down to his arm.

'soulmates? I don't even know who the hell you are'

'you actually believe in that stuff?'

Kyunghun looks confused as he tilts his head with a sigh before bringing his pen to his wrist with a small chuckle

'well no duh, you are replying to me. On my skin. Its FATE!'

'... touche. But come on I don't even know who the hell you are! You could be a 50-year-old man for all I know'

Kyunghun gasps clearly offended by what the person said "50-year-old man my ass" he growls.

'want to do like a 20 questions thing? To get to know each other'


'come on I will start!'


The two send questions and answers back and forth for weeks before they finally start to see a real bond starting to form. They would send little hearts back and forth during classes. Kyunghun decides to ask a question he was scared to ask before.

'Hey... so where do you live? Since we are soulmates and all maybe we could meet up?'

kyunghun waits hours before getting a reply, the once small cursive writing is now big and loopy, kyunghun's one bright smile changes slowly into a sad expression with his mouth parted gently as he read the response.

'ah... I can't meet you I'm sorry'

'can I at least get your name?'

'Kim Taeseok. tell me what yours is? So it's fair'

'Moon Kyunghun'

Everything Cut and bruise left on your soulmate's body is left on your own, there is no physical pain felt, that does not disregard the emotional pain one's self feels for not knowing what is going on with their life partner, no way to help apart from the communication on the skin that is being marked and hurt.

Kyunghun looked at his arm in sadness without knowing where his soulmate was how could he help them, he got up and walked into the bathroom as he takes his shirt off revealing a once toned and clear chest, that now shows cuts that did not come from him "what the fuck?!" he runs his hands along the numerous cuts along his chest that move to his upper shoudlers. His eyes widen in shock as he grabs a marker.

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