''it's a lot to remember,'' Harada said. ''I bet it's easier to take off."

You rolled your eyes, ''will any of the courtesans show you? Or it was not a part of the deal?"

''They just rent us a place..." Inoue said. ''Besides, there are certain circumstances in Yukimura's contidion..."

''I could ask Hana-chan to help, but it's too late to sent a letter."

''Hana-chan?" Harada asked. ''The Hana of Shimabara?"

You blinked at him, ''why yes, I made a few kimonos for her already."

His face lit in recognition. You mentioned her to Harada a few times but nothing too exclusive. Besides he was a person who would come to Shimabara once in a while, so things could turn awkward really fast.

''Well, if I ask her I'm sure she and the other girls would help, or I could dress you up myself'' you said turning to Chizuru. ''But I'd have to go with you."

''Out of question,'' Harada interjected. You frowned at him. You had all reasons to go and even if probably spy work was not a job you were suited for, you'd be of a help to Chizuru. Mainly – dress her up and later watch over her. Your trust in men was pretty restricted to a few.

''I've been there a few times already,'' you pointed out. ''And I know the Madam and Hana-chan.''

Harada towered over you with a frown matching your own. His arms crossed over his chest but you weren't going to give it.

''I can dress up as a apprentice or just a servant girl."

Chizuru was looking between two of you, uncertain what to make of that kind of fight. You were engaged now in a silent battle of stares from which neither would back down.

Inoue coughed.

''Well, the miss is making sense,'' he spoke. ''If we can get that kind of help and also some more intel from madam, we could make it into ours strengths. What do you think Harada-kun?"

Harada did not think it was fine, you could see. You stepped closer to him and grinned, ''I'll cause no troubles I promise!"

''It's not about if you're going to get into trouble,'' he shook his head, you pleaded him with your eyes.  In the end he gave in. ''Alright."

You clapped your hands.

Harada came by nightfall next day. You prepared two sets of kimonos. First was for Chizuru, the pink one. You chose much simpler kimono, for a role of a servant girl. A simple garment, decorated by falling clone leaves, creating composition on the sleeves. Harada carried both sets in his hands and led you to the compound. You all agreed that you'll meet by the gates, since it would be the easiest to regroup and go from there. You were also dressed up in hakama today, since entering Shimabara at night in woman's kimono would be impossible.

''Thank you for letting me go,'' you said.

''I don't think I had a choice,'' Harada chuckled.

''What do you mean?" you questioned. ''You were pretty adamant on making me stay."

He looked over at your face. His was lit by moonlight and stars, making his golden eyes gleam in the darkness.

''If you ask the right way, _____,'' he said in low murmur. ''I think you'd be able to win everything.''

You blinked as the small rush of heat went up to your neck.

''Don't be silly!'' you laughed it off. Harada had his way with the words, didn't he? You smiled over him, feeling fuzzy feeling inside.

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