viii // Canvas

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You were right my love.
My body is a canvas.
It's a waiting masterpiece.
But for now it's this white sheet,
tender at touch,
And the texture smooth with curves.

I see it, I see your lust.
There's this spark in your eyes.
And it's up to you,
If you could paint it with love or lies

It flickers in your eyes,
as you examine the canvas.
Imaginations spreading all over it's landscape
Dust settles on me as I wait.
Hushed breaths as the brushes cut through,
filling in all the white space.

So now that I have given you the pencil,
Would you sketch me into paradise?
Or would you scribble me down until I'd crumble?

Now that you have a brush,
Would you paint me with colours?
Or would you taint me in blood.

Choose wisely honey.
I'll walk away beautiful,
Even if you burn scars into me.
It will be as something you couldn't accomplish.
And not because I wasn't worthy to be as an art piece.


A/N : I need inspirations 🙀

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