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" Maybe we can check out everything in the plane" Westley said inquisitively as he grabbed my arm and led me to the hangar

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" Maybe we can check out everything in the plane" Westley said inquisitively as he grabbed my arm and led me to the hangar. Beaming airways was said to be ambushed four weeks ago and there was absolutely no trace of the culprit for a while. Every single person that happened to have boarded beaming airways turned out dead after the attack. This happened right after the plane had successfully landed.

And here we were... Westley and I.

     Westley Declan was the most optimistic boyfriend I ever had. Maybe he was quite stubborn and insulting sometimes but he was brave enough to help me in digging out my past by trying to find out about my parents and the one person that had been tormenting my life ever since Jerome gave me a chance to live.

But he took this murderer for granted

" Westley I think we should wait for back up. The detective is having a word with the personnel in charge of accessing this hangar, the plane has been searched already, you don't even have warrant" I said, trying to stop him, he was getting out of control this time. He could end up in Jail for this too.

" Why don't you just wait out here while I just look around since you're so concerned about back up?" Westley turned and glared at me, his emerald eyes filled with disgust. This was the third time he made an attempt to find out about the murderer.

He took the incident of the plane crash that happened four weeks ago as his lead to enquire about everything. He had the CCTV camera checked for up to six times by the police to note any complications or to know if it was tampered with but there was no trace of the culprit.

" I'm just thinking about your safety Westley, it's my life you're looking into" I mumbled as my voice echoed around the hangar. The place was dead silent as there was no one working on any of the planes. It'd been shut down since the ambush. After a while, I heard some foot steps, It drew closer and closer.


I tried to contact Westley for a day now to inform him about our family trip but he remained unreachable. Just then I remembered

- Riley Corders

   He was definitely with her, my best friend. For three years now Riley and I have been best friends. A lot of things changed between us when she started going out with Westley. It would have been a lot easier for me to accept if she went out with any other guy. It just had to be Westley.


I tried as much as possible to live with it. But a lot of doubts flooded my mind about their relationship. Riley had a complicated life and Westley was obsessed with finding out about her past.

- I mean I could have gotten involved

Not Westley

It was going to be dangerous for them...for Riley. All I could do was reach out for them in the best way. I picked my phone and began to text Riley.

"Where are you?" I texted. After a while a message came in from Riley

" Out with Westley. At the airport"

Oh God.

They were out on that search.


"What the fuck are you possibly going to get there? Beamings airways has been deserted for four weeks now" I texted back. I got out of the house and got into my car at the parking lot. I was ready to make it to the airport. I couldn't let two lives which I cared about go to waste.

" It's all Westley's idea as usual Clyde. Theres nothing to worry about exactly, once we're done here, he'll head home"  Riley texted back.

     But that didn't get to me. I felt something weird and it had something to do with their search. Why would this murderer make it so easy for them to access the hangar when there's a possibility that evidence of some sort could be found against him.

And this wasn't just any search officer

It was Riley... his main target.

-It was a trap

" Get  outta there Riley, take Westley along. I think it's a trap"  I texted back as I drove out of the parking lot.

" We've called for back up Clyde"

She was fucking naïve to situations like this. Talking to Westley was literally useless, he was so stubborn. Ho w the hell was I supposed to get this sorted out soon?  A ride to the airport was nothing less than a thirty minutes drive no matter how much I surpassed the speed limit.

 Ho w the hell was I supposed to get this sorted out soon?  A ride to the airport was nothing less than a thirty minutes drive no matter how much I surpassed the speed limit

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Hayley Genie

Hey guys... I hope you all are getting the hang of  my story. Please pay attention to every detail in this book in order to get the prime suspect soon

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