(Chapter Sixteen)

Start from the beginning

"Okay." I put my forhead against his and close my eyes. "Are we still gonna have our special night?"

Though I'm not looking directly at him, I know Drake is smiling. "How'd you know?"

"I figured."

Drake pulls away and starts the car. "You're one smart cookie."

"What kind?"

He puts his hands on the wheel and we begin driving home. "Maybe you're a peanut butter cookie?"

"Why's that?" I smirk. It hurts a little to move any facial muscles. The pain everywhere else has dulled down to a throb, so I think I'll live. I just know it's gonna hurt like a motherfucker when I wake up in the morning or afternoon.

"Because it's my favorite kind of cookie."

"Awe." We pull up to the house and he helps me get out of the car. We walk into the house.

"Wanna help me make brownies?" asks Drake.

"Of course." I walk into the kitchen to see the ingredients laid out on the table. I begin whirling around the kitchen, making the batter. I set the pan of raw brownie on the island and head into the dining room. There are candles set up on the long table.

"It smells delicious in here!" I gasp, inhaling deeply. "Cookies?"

Drake lights the last candle and smiles. "Yep! Let's go check on the brownies."

"About that." We both walk into the kitchen and Drake looks at me with a fake look of disbelief.

"You didn't even put them in the oven?"

"No. . ." I giggle.

Drake takes some batter on his index finger and dabs it on my lips. Then he kisses me, sucking most of the batter off. Then he gets some more and puts it on my neck. He licks it off.

"Mm." I work his shirt off and smear some batter on his chest. I kiss him tenderly and lick off the chocolatey goodness. Since we're pressed pretty close together, I feel him get hard.

  "We can't have sex, baby," I whisper, breathing becoming a problem.

"Didn't say we had to." Drake's voice is husky. He pulls down my jeans and lifts me onto the island. He takes more batter and slathers a little on my inner thigh. Then, with small kisses, he gets it off. I feel myself getting wet.

"Horny ass," I joke. I take my shirt off. Drake takes some batter and rubs it on both my nipples before sucking it off.

"Mm. Baby," I moan. "We still have to make the brownies. . ."

Drake stops and looks at me, lust in his eyes. I can't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" he asks.

"The look on your face. Thirsty ass nigga." I kiss him for a few seconds. "Let's make these brownies."

  About an hour later, we're stuffing our faces with squares of brownies.

"My mom used to tell me you could get sick eating this much," Drake comments, biting into his sixth piece. "She still does."

I laugh. "You have the appetite of a horse. I've only managed to eat two in the past ten minutes."

"Why, thank you." He bows. "And these are fucking delicious, if I do say so myself."

"No problem. I forgot to put the icing on it, though."

"It still tastes good. Besides," he gives me another lustful glance, "we can save the icing for other certain things if you know what I mean."

"I sure do." And I can't wait until I have this baby. I need Papi.

  "Speaking of," I say aloud, "look! I'm starting to show more." I lift up my shirt to reveal my extended belly, covered in a couple bruises.

"Wow. I didn't really notice." Drake looks at me with curiosity.

"Because this whole time I've been wearing baggy shirts so that you wouldn't notice."

  He leans down and kisses my stomach lightly, and I feel a happy warmth pass through me. Drake is going to be a great father, I can already feel it.

"Two more months to go."

Well, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! (^~^) And to answer all of you guy's pleas, I'M NOT EVER GONNA KILL OFF NICKI OR DRAKE! WHAT KIND OF PERSON DO YA THINK I AM?? Even I would be mad at myself, smh. Tune in later today and/or tomorrow for the next chapter, y'all! (/^▽^)/

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