Chapter Fifteen: Team 12 Formed

Start from the beginning

"It's gonna be cramped in the room then."

"What does know what? Never mind." I said. I quickly teleported to my apartment and grabbed my alarm. I teleported back. I placed the alarm on the stump. "I'll be explaining everything. See these bells on my waist?"




"You need to get at least one bell to pass. You only have until noon."

"But sensei. There are only four bells. And there are five of us."

"Exactly. Which means. That only four of you will pass. As I said. You only have until noon."


"Next. The person who didn't get a bell, will be tied to a post and watch the others eat."


"Next. You can use any weapon. Fight me with the intent to kill."



"When I say 'start'......" I took out my book. "-then the test will begin. Ready?" They prepared their fighting stance. "Okay. Start!" All of them are hiding. But. Too bad. 'Cause I can sense them. Sheila, 10 meters West.

Yuki, 5 meters North.

Zara, 7 meters NorthEast.

Gin, 10 meters South.

And Lukario, 5 meters, NorthWest.

I sighed and start reading my book. Ah. This is a good part. But. I was interrupted. Kunai and shuriken are launched. I created a dozen clones, without handsigns, as a shield. I took a little peek. So the one who threw it is Zara. She's good. But not good enough.

I sensed Lukario jumping out. Hand to hand combat eh? "Eh? Sensei! Be more serious!"

"I am serious."

"Then put that book somewhere else!"

"Let me"

"Grr!" I finally zipped my collar. "Jeez. Are you going to attack?"

"Grr! Just wait!" He sprinted towards me. All I have to do is dodge, wait for the right moment, and strike! I hit him in the abdomen. He flew back. I sensed a fireball coming my way.

Of course.

It was Gin.

I teleported near my team. "Weak. All of you. I should've just taken the twins, Kanto, and Aiko Yamanaka. Maybe I'll do that, once you all fail."

I can tell...

They're pissed. I mentally smirked. "If you want to pass. Fight me as if you like to kill me. Oh wait. You can't. Because all of you can't kill since all of you are incredibly weak."

"I'm not weak!"

"Says the guy who never planted a single hit on me, and got punched in the stomach." I can feel the others coming out. I sighed and put my book away. "Aw. I can't read my book."

"We're gonna get those bells as a team! Right guys?!"

"RIGHT!" I smiled at them. I made my fighting stance. They were confused. I chucked. "Kurama. Can you help me in here?"

"Hehehehe. Your team seems to worth my time."

"Not mine."

"Let's do this." I can feel my eyes change again. My whiskers are way darker than before. Teeth more shaper. "Here I come." I said and teleported to them. I'm just gonna teleport everywhere to confuse them. "LUKARIO NOW!"

"SHADOW TRAP JUTSU!" My body was trapped by his shadow. Clever. I looked at the others. Yuki having some kunai in her hand. Gin making the fireball jutsu. Sheila getting her bugs. And Zara performing the flower or Haruno style. Then...

The alarm went off.

I can see the shocked faces on them. I then teleported near my ex-team. I smirked. ""

"Dammit! We were so close!"


"So uncool!"

"Hahahahaha! Oh kami this is too funny! Hahahahaha!" I can feel them glare at me. "Hahaha.....hah......oh goodness. YOU..........pass."



"You figured out the test. It's not about the bells. It's about the answer to the test. Which is..."


"Exactly." I looked at Kakashi. "Those who break the rules....are scum." I looked at my new team. "But those who abandon their friends......are worse than scum. I learned it from a certain someone."

"Alright! We pass! Hahahahahaha!"

"Yes! We pass!"

"But remember...." They looked at me with confusion. "That's my sensei's ninja way. My ninja way...."

"What is sensei?" I sighed. Even though this isn't my ninja way, I have to say it. That bastard Danzo said so. "Kami." I whispered. I clenched my fists and bit my lip. "Abandoning friends is alright, as long as you complete the mission and follow rules."


"No way."

"Is that really your ninja way sensei? It looks like you were forced to say it." I was shocked to hear Gin say it. I looked at him. He has that emo side. "I'm right.......aren't I? That you were only forced to say it?"

"That is no............oh fine. It's true. Someone, forced me to say it to you."

"Who is it sensei? We'll beat them up for you!"

"N-No no no no no! I-I can handle him. Ahaha...haha.....ha."

"Then what's your ninja way sensei?"

"Gaining what I want...."


"That's all you want?!"

"Just to protect.......the ones I love."

"Lukario you nitwit! You didn't let sensei finish!"


"Another one. A promise is a promise. I never go back on my word."

"Hey! That's mine!"



"Those two.....are my ninja way. And the promise one, we shared. Because Naruto doesn't know his ninja way."

"I'm thinking!"

"If you even have a brain."


"Alright then team. Your first mission starts tomorrow. Come here at five o'clock sharp."


"Now that that's over-" something, or, someone. Flashed into my eyes. 'MADARA UCHIHA!'

Because it can bring me a headache sometimes. I held my head and screamed. Well. I held my head and Kurama screamed. "Go away! You're dead! You're dead! You're dead! YOU'RE DEAD!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" With that, I collapsed on the ground. My eyes were on my team. I transformed into my eight year old self. Then someone carried me.

It was Kakashi. "K-Kaka-shi."

"Hang on."

After he said that, I passed out.

Uzumaki Siblings! Protectors Of Konaha! »Book 1« (Naruto FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now