"Are you alright?" Keiko asked.

Katara held her hand over her chest and winced when she put pressure on it. Her eyes held worry. She didn't want to tell anyone about what had been happening lately, so she faked a smile and met their eyes again. Besides, they'd probably think she needed committed.

"Yeah, probably a scar that my dress rubbed wrong or something."

They didn't buy it, but let it slide once her parents stopped at the table. Keiko knew about the bond to Hiei recently. Yusuke had begged Keiko to be another female to ease Katara's emotions. It was actually Kurama who had to convince Keiko, telling her it was important. That's when her fiancé and her red haired friend told Keiko about what happened; being a hero and being bonded to Hiei in the process.

"Are you ready to go Katara? You have school in the morning." Her father asked her and she stood up, fixing her black short dress with long sleeves and a pink waist belt. Her pink sandals stood side by side once she turned to her saviors.

"It was nice meeting you guys, but I'm afraid school calls for a good night's rest." She smiled at the two who stood as well.

"Don't worry about it, school is important." Keiko spoke, her gentle smile making Katara smile with a nod of her own.

"We can't thank you enough, both of you, for saving our daughter." Katara's mother spoke up, her eyes starting to tear a little. Everyone looked at her.

"Mom," Katara started, not wanting to embarrass her any further.

"Well, I guess that's our cue to leave. Otherwise we'd be here all night with this wife of mine crying." Her father spoke up with a small chuckle.

"Please, it's not that big of a deal. We were just happy to help Katara." Keiko softly spoke, the smile reaching her lips again.

"Just as she said," Yusuke nodded to Katara's father, who nodded back at him. Another jab of pain went through Katara's chest. This time, she fell to the floor, legs buckling underneath her, as she squatted. She leaned forward to ease the pain, yet it decided to burn within her chest. She couldn't understand why.

Maybe she did need to tell someone what was happening to her.

"Honey!" Her mother shouted as she crouched low to her daughter, a hand on Katara's back. She started rubbing, Katara breathing in deep to let it out slowly a couple times. As each breath she took, the pain lessoned.

"I'm fine, mom." She told her as she stood back up slowly, making sure the pain wasn't as strong as before.

Yusuke needed to have a word with his favorite fire demon about this. If he's off fighting or doing whatever, Katara would grow confused by the second. And Yusuke isn't good at answering questions, so he was going to leave it up to Kurama in order to explain it to Katara.

"We need to get you home," Her father started; a look of concern on his face. Katara nodded.

"Thanks again guys, for saving me. It was nice to finally meet you." Katara told them, feeling much better about her chest pain.

"Yes, thank you both again. Don't be strangers, okay?" Her mother told them, a small smile in their direction. Her eyes then watched Katara observantly. The couple nodded their heads in agreement, watching as the family walked out of the restaurant.

"You weren't kidding, huh?" Keiko asked her fiancé, both of their eyes still on the family.

"I'm gonna kill Hiei." Yusuke threatened, his eyes narrowing at the entrance door once the family had walked out.

*Demon World*

It'd been days since the dinner with the family. Yusuke had been in Demon World for a few hours looking for Hiei. His anger throwing out his demon energy in Demon World to make it easier for Hiei to find him.

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