Be different

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Everyone always wants to fit in that crowd than themselves

Your that one boy or girl that wear black all the time and everyone else in your school wear bright colors.

When you get home you throw your dark colors away. Then go to the mall or Wally world and buy a whole new warobe to fit in.

It is better to be different. The way you dress does not have to be the same as others. Like you wear goth stuff and another wear girly stuff.

Just be different than plain boring with copying other styles. Be creative. Make your style that make you feel confident.

Don't throw your clothes out and buy new ones that make you fit in. Just be you.

Stand out from others. Act yourself you were born to be and the way God made you.

Each of us has different likes and favorites. Some like rock and roll more than country.

Animals are also born with different fur colors and types of breeds. They were born to stand out like a white tiger in a clan of orange Tigers in a zoo.

God made us all to be different in body size, eye color, skin color, our style, hair color, our talents, human traits and personality.

He made us to be not all identical but unique and different.

So next time when someone tell you to change your style and be them. Tell them"God made me different and I love standing out from the crowd!!!"

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