Will They or Won't They?

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The show continued with the boys playing more cover songs. The girls, however, decided to rejoin the rest of the group in the audience.

They danced for an hour and half before the band said their goodbyes and goodnights.

"Don't forget to check out The Brits if they walk around the city! I'm sure you'll see them on stage very soon!" cried Charlie.

The crowd went wild as Charlie mentioned the girls; they had never received so much attention before.

When the band walked off stage, some fans walked up to Sarah, Freya and Clare to ask for their autographs before they left the arena. Course, Gerald, Arnold, Helga and Phoebe had to help them with the crowds and pronouncing names. This happened for around ten minutes before the crowds walked back to the festival.

When the chaos died down, the boys began packing up; expect for Charlie. As he saw Sarah signing one last autograph, he jumped off the stage and ran toward her and Arnold, who was still helping her. Boggy followed behind his mate to talk to Clare and Freya.

"You girls were awesome", said Boggy. "You have hidden talents there".

"G'wed!" Freya replied; she was blushing.

"It was nothing really", said Clare. "But we had a lot of fun".

"It looked like you were", replied Arnold.

Sarah smiled. "We certainly are a great team".

Charlie looked at Sarah with twinkles inside in his eyes. Arnold saw that he had a crush on his sister. He walked up to Charlie and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Just make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble", he winked.

"I owe to you, Arnold Shortman", replied Charlie. Your sister is cute, kind and inspiring. She's hot!"

Arnold cringed at the word hot. Hearing someone talking about your sister that way can be awkward; in Arnold's case, it was too awkward. "Right", he answered. "That's usual to know.

"Anyway, I'm going to head off. Sarah's all yours for tonight. Just make sure she's back before midnight, okay?"

"Ah, like Cinderella, hey?" Charlie asked. "She'll be in good hands".

Arnold then said his goodbyes to the band before he, Helga, Gerald and the girls left the arena, so Sarah and Charlie can spend more time together.

Sarah couldn't believe that Arnold would allow her to spend time with a guy she just met. On the other hand, Sarah thought that Charlie was very handsome, kind (with a heart of gold) and musically talented. So, she was glad to stay a little bit longer.

For the rest of the evening, the pair went for another ride on the Ferris Wheel before playing games on the stands. Charlie didn't anything this time round, but Sarah didn't mind; she loved the last gift he got her - and she already felt special.

As the night drew to a close, Charlie and Sarah had one last ride on the wheel before heading home. Somehow, they liked traveling on the Ferris Wheel; to them, it was a wonderful place to talk and sightsee the beautiful lights in the city.

As they walked along the streets, Charlie and Sarah (for some reason) started humming tunes and laughing, like they were the two people left on the planet.

When they arrived at the Boarding House, Charlie and Sarah fell silent.

"Here we are", said Sarah awkwardly. She didn't want Charlie to go, but she knew that he had to go to sleep too. "I had a lovely time tonight, Charlie. Thank you so much".

She was about to say goodbye when Charlie pulled her close to him and gave Sarah a kiss on the cheek.

"You were a shining star tonight, Sarah", said Charlie, as he whispered into her ear. "The Cheese Festival wouldn't be wonderful if you weren't here. To be honest, it's you I must thank.

"I would love to see you again. I cannot wait that long, so I was wondering if you would like go on a date, perhaps?"

"Are you asking me out?" she whispered in return.

"On boyfriend and girlfriend terms? Absolutely".

Sarah smiled. "Great, I'm so excited".

Charlie then dived his hand into his jean pocket and took out a small piece of paper. "That's my number. Give a ring tomorrow and we can arrange something from there".

"Good thinking, Batman", she teased. "You are more prepared than me.

"I can hardly wait to see what we get up to, Charlie", she added. "I'm sure our next meeting will as great as our first".

"I have every faith it will", he replied. "Until then, I wish you the sweetest dreams".

Charlie then kissed Sarah's cheek again before watching them sweet girl opening the door to the Boarding House and walk into the Hallway.

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