Charlie Mutti

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The Brits stood in front of the entrance, waiting for Arnold and Helga to catch up. Whilst they were waiting, Sarah reacted to all the lights, colours and music. Some think that people on the spectrum may badly react to the bright lights, the overwhelming crowds and the loud music. While it's true for a few, Sarah was the complete opposite. She loved listening to loud music, the colours, the sound of laughter and the smell of cheese. This was way better than the Steam Fair.

"I've never seen a fair so beautiful", said Sarah. "Well, festival. Fair's not the right word, is it?"

"You can call it whatever you want, Sarah", Arnold replied, as he and Helga caught up with the girls. "It's your day".

"What are we standing around here for?"'cried Helga. "We got a festival to go to!"

Sticking together, the group went inside the festival and began scanning for Gerald and Phoebe. After a while, they managed to find them.

The couple were standing beside the fondue stand where there was a small queue for refreshments. When they saw them, Gerald and Phoebe greeted their friends with open arms and special handshakes, including Arnold and Gerald's. The boys even let Sarah join in.

"I'll never get tired of that one", said Sarah.

"Not as tired as the excitement behind your smile, girl", replied Gerald. "Are you ready for your first festival?"

"Ready as I'll ever be".

"So, what shall we do first?"

"Well, there's a short line to the fondue stand", Clare replied, "and Freya hasn't had anything to eat all day".

"Freya? You haven't anything? Not even breakfast?" Sarah asked.

"Is wrong", Freya answered. "Its a blag!" In response, Freya's stomach was rumbling and the girls laughed.

"Who's the blag now, huh?"

"Can we talk about n' dat?" Freya's cheeks were bright red; she had never felt so embarrassed.

"Don't worry, Freya", said Arnold. "We all forget once in a while. To tell you the truth, I'm starting to feel hungry too".

"Well, let's order food already!" Helga cried excitingly. "I know what I'm having".

"I'm not what's there", said Sarah.

"Don't worry, Brit One", Clare replied. "We'll help you".

It took a minute to figure what Sarah would like but when she decided, she felt much better. Afterwards, the others ordered theirs, only to find that they all ordered the same thing!

The seven friends sat together on a bench and ate their cheese fondue on a sticks. There was a lot of activity going on for them; laughing, talking and at one point (for Arnold and Helga), kissing. The kissing was short and the pair managed to make it quick before anyone notices them. Unfortunately, someone caught them when they pulled their lips away.


Helga scowled at Freya but Arnold chuckled softly.

Embarrassed, Freya returned her attention to Sarah; she was about to say something to her when Freya spotted a stranger, looking at them.

This stranger was heaven - strawberry blonde hair, brown eyes and a gorgeous smile. Freya's jaw dropped when she saw him and in reply, the man smiled. He then made eye contact with Sarah, who was sitting opposite her friend. He then winked at Sarah, indicating that he was very interested in her.

Freya got the hint and without using any words, she told him to come over and let him see Sarah.

The stranger slowly walked up to the table and stood behind Arnold. He gently tapped Arnold on the shoulder. "Hey, Football Head", he said. "How's hanging?"

A Memorable Cheese FestivalWhere stories live. Discover now