Graysons Liberty

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The pair ran to the stage as they saw the band set up for the show. Despite the crowds, Sarah made sure that she stuck with him all the time; luckily, she didn't lose Charlie.

When they arrived, the band members: all dressed in black with caps greeted Charlie with various cries. As Charlie was about to high five them, one band member saw Sarah.

"Got yourself a girl already, mate?"

"Yeah", replied Charlie, "I did and it was all thanks to the smart Football Head. This lovely girl is his sister.

"Gentlemen, meet Hillwood's adopted sweetheart. The famous Sarah Shortman".

The boys all shook Sarah's hands and smiled at her. Some even gave her a high five too.

"Sarah, allow me to introduce the gang: meet Richie, Ralph, David and Boggy".

As Charlie was making his introductions, Sarah saw that Richie was a slim guy with hazelnut eyes. Ralph had the same features - Charlie told her they were cousins. David was round with long purple hair and a stud on his nose. And Boggy who had green eyes and a lot of freckles. When she heard Charlie saying his name, Sarah asked, "Why do they call you, Boggy?"

"I used to eat my own boogies. Plus, every time I was sick, my face would go pale green. It was a name that the school bullies gave me. But, I'm used to it now. I hated my real name anyway".

"What was your real name?"

"Hilary Philippa. Don't ask why".

"Fair play", she said. "So, what kind of music do you play?"

"Covers", said Boggy, "but we spice them up a bit.

"Do you sing, Sarah?"

Sarah blushed. "Only for fun. The girls and I — we had an idea of setting up a girl band. We got the name and we have sung a few songs, but we haven't performed in front of people, other than friends and family".

"Would you, Clare and Freya like to sing with us? And do you know Blank Space?"

Sarah smiled: "We will be honoured", she said. "It's our favourite song, though we only know a few words".

"Don't worry", said Charlie. "We'll give you a hand. You three are going to be fabulous".

When the girls, Helga, Phoebe, Gerald and Arnold arrived inside the stage area, Sarah told them everything. Clare and Freya were delighted. The group were very excited.

"Who would have thought it?" said Gerald. "Our girls performing with Grayson's Liberty! This day keeps getting better and better!"

Eventually, the girls went backstage to get ready. Helga, Phoebe, Arnold and Helga found a spot at the front of the stage; they excitedly waited for the moment to arrive and to see the show come alive.

The crowd went wild as the band came on stage. And when they were about to play, Charlie stood up to the microphone and tapped it to get everyone's attention.

"We would like to introduce you too a new trio, who are currently setting up a band of their own.

"They'll be singing alongside us and I guarantee that you will not be disappointed. So, please give a huge welcome to The Brits: Freya, Clare and Sarah!"

The crowds screamed as the girls walked on stage; the trio waved as they took themselves to different spots on the stage. Sarah was about to pick the back, but Charlie took her hand and led her to the front. He wanted Sarah to stand next to him.

"This is your moment, Sarah", he whispered. "You are going to nail this".

And with that, the band began to play. During the song, the girls sang the back up parts; the boys joined them as Charlie sang the entire song on his own. On the third verse, Sarah sang along with Charlie - and everyone was screaming their names.

When it was all over, the girls bowed and said their good nights. They all turned to go backstage, but Charlie stopped Sarah. Gently touching her shoulder, Sarah turned to face him.

Charlie then gave her a kiss on the cheek and he whispered, "I'll see you after the show".

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