I: Intoxicated

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Per Se, New York, New York
9:38 p.m.

It was close to 10 o' clock, and I was beginning to get pissed. Me and Kam have been here all day, and I'm livid. "Vaaaehhh" I stop chopping The Filet and look and my best friend Kamryn who's taking off her apron. "What? And where you going?" She rolls her eyes and walks over to me. "Bro what the fuck! We've been here all day I'm ready to leave. I'm sick of this shit!" She says picking up a carrot and popping it into her mouth. "Kam, I know bu-" "HEY!" We both jump and look up to see James our boss speed walking over to us. "Can I help you?" Kam says looking up into his serious eyes. "First off you can watch your tone, secondly, how many times do I have to tell you to STOP EATING THE FOOD! Are you a paying customer?" He says looking down at Kamryn who's in shock. "No but-" "No buts, cut the shit and get back to work he says cutting her off then walking away. That was weir considering the fact that everyone who works at Per Se knows that James has a crush on her. "What the fuck". She says eating another carrot. I laugh and look around to make sure no one hears. "Did you smell the vodka on his breath?" She nods and puts back on her apron. "How fucking professional of the head Chef and Manager to come to work drunk." Kam says laughing. "Better than coming to work high like some of you bitches." Kam and I turn around and see our roommate Jordyn approaching us with a smug look. Kam sighs. "Damn nosey, stay out our business!" He rolls his eyes and whispers to us. "Well Kam if you would just fuck him already you'd make all our lives easier!" Kam pushes him and we all laugh. " Nigga that's not even funny!... I mean he's cute and all but he's old.. and our damn boss." Jordyn shrugs. "Bitch he six years older than you first of all, secondly he fine as shit! But do you then!" I love working with these two so much. They're the only reason why I like this job. "Y'all wanna get drinks later?" I ask washing my hands. "Can't. Daddy has a date!" Jordyn says licking his lips. "Ooohhh is it that Mexican dude we met last week?" Kam asks preparing lemon slices for the salmon. "Hell yeah. His name is Mario...but I call him Daddio!" We bust out laughing and continue to prepare food for the guests.

11:27 p.m.

"Damn It!, Why did I have to yell her, knowing that I have feelings for her, but then again "NO SPECIAL TREATMENT" towards the workers". They have been the only hard working woman working for me for 4 years now, and I treat them like crap. I need to talk to her.....alone, no matter how sketchy that makes us look. As soon as I calm down I search for her making sure she and Vaeh hasn't quit on me. "Hey, can I talk yo you for a sec.?" She angrily agrees. "What do you want, now I'm tired and ready to go home." She says to me as I listen to her. "I just want to apologize for going off on you guys earlier, and I know you all's shift end in 10 mins so i'll let you guys go home okay, I was jus being a boss and——, she cuts me off, "Not with the smell of vodka on your breath, do you know the rest of the workers could have smelled that, you just better be glad we were the only ones." As Kam and I are still talking I glance to the kitchen and can see Brittany staring at us angrily, which I don't care. I turn to look back at Kam and continue with our Conversation. "Okay, I do apologize again now that I have waisted most of your time before clock out I'll leave you to go home and get some rest", I say to her. She thanks me and walks away. I have to say, I think she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. "Alright LET'S FINISH AND CLOSE UP AND GO HOME" I screamed towards the rest of the workers.

12:05 am

"Ugh, I cannot fucking wait to quit this bull shit job! I can't stand him sometimes!", I say angrily throwing my jacket on the couch. "I mean damn bitch a job is a job, we get paid good Kam, I know you wanna quit so bad but why?" I glare at her and laugh. "Are you being dead ass? You know I can't fucking stand anyone at that place. I'm bout ready to beat Brittany ass if she keep lookin at me crazy, but I mean I'm sick of New York, I need a change." I agree and walk to the kitchen to get some water and Jordyn goes to sit next to Kam. " So y'all haven't even been on a date...have you?", Vaeh says to me with an evil smirk. "Bitch you seriously wanna talk bout him & I right now? Uhhhh right now I'm going to let all of my stress and crazy boss shit out of my mind, and soon my body will be filled with the sweet sweet taste of LIQUOOOOORR!" I say dancing my way to my room to change as I yell at Jordyn and Vaeh slamming the door behind me. "Well I guess you better hurry up and get ready before little miss "bitch I'm heated" in there exploses", Jordyn says trying to whisper to Vaeh. "HEY, I HEARD THAT", I scream through the door at them. They laugh."Okay well I hope you bitches have fun and be safe, text me if y'all need anything." Jordyn says grabbing his keys. "HAVE FUN ON YOUR DATE!" Kamryn shouts through her closed door. I say bye to Nevaeh and head out the door.

The Broken Clock
12:41 a.m.

Vaeh pulls up to our favorite little bar and we park and start walking inside. As soon as we get inside we notice that the place is somewhat packed. "I knew I wasn't the only thirsty onnnneee!" I say doing a little dance causing Vaeh to roll her eyes. "Girl stop before people think yo ass drunk already!" We laugh and take a seat at the bar that's packed. The bartender Kristopher walks over to us and smiles. "Well well if it isn't my two favorites. Y'all want the usual?" I blush and nod. "Yeah we'll take our usual, but I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick" Vaeh says getting up and walking to the back. KJ looks at me and smiles. "So wassap? Haven't seen you in a while." He says leaning over the counter. Like ugghhh why is he so damn cute. I smile making my dimples show. "I know, I've been occupied". He pretends to be shocked. "Not by another bartender I hope." We both laugh as I shake my head. "Nope, you're the only one I promise." Just as I was gonna ask him for his number, Dominik his best friend takes a seat next to me. "Kaaaammm!" He says hugging me. "Domooooo!" I say hugging him back. "What are you doing here? Came to stalk Vaeh?" I ask with a smirk. "Wow. First of all, I didn't even know y'all would be here... but where is she?" I look at KJ and burst out laughing. "I knew you were gonna ask you stalker! But I think she's taking a shit or someth-" I was cut off by Vaeh. "Who's taking a shit?" We all laugh as she looks at us confused. "Nun, I was just kidding." She looks over at Dominik. "Comfy?" He looks confused for a second then quickly gets up. "Oh shit sorry!" She laughs as she takes her seat back where he was sitting.

"Hey, I'm goin to go to the bathroom I'll be right back." I tell the others as I brush pass the crowd to the bathroom. Soon as I get am finished and freshened up wash my hands, I walk out brush my clothes off and I look up and guess who I see. James (what in the hell, I just left this nigga can I get a break). "What are you doing here, you know damn well you don't need to be AT a bar AND drinking after what I smelt on your breath today". I say to him with frustration. He walks up towards me, drunk as can be and puts me in this lil block with his arm above my head. " I'm just gettin a lil free time just like you, Can I take you home after this?" James says to me all slow and desperate. "Ew, hell no, not with you like this anyway!" I yell at him. "C'monnn don't be like that Kamryn. I promise just one date. Pleeeaasee?" I cross my arms and sigh. Honestly I'm not gonna lie, James is sexy as hell...but I really like Kristopher. "Move James I don't have time for this shit." I move his hand and go back to the bar.

"You okay?" KJ asks handing me my usual. I look down at the whiskey sour and take a sip. "Mmmm. Yeah I'm good". Nevaeh gives me a "bitch please" look and continues to flirt with Dominik.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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