Chapter 23

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It is important to reemphasise that The Order is neither good nor bad. It is that’s all. Since the birth of time it and its members have been the elite. Notwithstanding, there is no doubt that some members would be deemed to be evil. After all, they are human, some humans are bad, some good, whether or not their activities are deemed to be good or bad tends to be subjective.

The morality of the issue changes with the side of the coin. It is arguable that the members of The Order would see the activities of The Watchers and The Initiators as bad, bad in that they are counter-point to theirs. Ergo, The Watchers and The Initiators.

Mores the point, certain activities by certain parties could be deemed to be less or more anti-social. Given The Order’s involvement in the history of man-kind demonstrates aloofness to the pain and suffering they cause in the name of profit and control, it is easy for a reader to consider them evil, bad, immoral.

This is because the reports contained within this document are being written from the normal reader’s perspective. You, dear reader, are finding out about The Order at this point, right now. You are establishing their involvement in many things and as a member of that disadvantaged majority of those The Order would use to champion their cause, you see it all through a different perspective to those that can trace their involvement back many generations.

As this story is written, as more is presented, you will form certain ideas. As a writer, I must try and avoid any skewing. I am trying to tell it in a way that will present the facts and, most importantly, expose it for what it all is.

It was difficult knowing what to tell and what not to. As this work is contemporary, and it is the contemporary actions that have bought all this to pass, it is focused on the direct activities of the main characters in this chapter, a chapter of a very large volume. The relevance of The Order’s involvement in the events we now know as the Second World War were far reaching. Why this report focuses on The North and disregarding the other cardinal points, except for cursory reference, will become obvious as this story unfolds.

If this story ever sees the light of day, if it can ever be told, if it is ever allowed to be told, then; perhaps more will become public knowledge. In the scheme of things, this period of time is a drop in the ocean and many other examples of The Order’s manipulations can be cited. The reason this story is following this course will be well seen; when it is shown.

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