Chapter 12 - What are the Chances?

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"We were wondering," it was Jo who spoke. "Since it doesn't look like you have ties to really keep here, if you would be at all interested in moving to our HQ in Burbank to oversee the launch of the magazine as its North America editor in chief?"

Burbank...I only know of that place because that's where Ellen DeGeneres' show is taped. Oh god almighty. Did they just...

"Burbank, as in Burbank, California?" I ask incredulously.

I finally see Taylor crack a genuine smile. If I wasn't still trying to process their offer in my head, I could've sworn I heard him laugh. They both nod at me.

"What do you think? We can fly you out," Jo looks alternately between me and Taylor. "In three weeks tops. We can arrange for all your immigration and work documents when you're there. It's just that the person we thought could handle the launch dropped out the face of the earth a month ago. One of our copy writers was a subscriber of your website and that's how we found you."

I cup my hands over my mouth, completely in shock. I told them I'd get back to them in 48 hours to think about the offer.

I was so lost between deep thought and sheer disbelief, I didn't hear Rex come in or feel my phone vibrate.

"Rae, I just got a call from the—god, what happened to you?"

I must have been as pale as a sheet by the way my best friend was looking at me. I shake my head a little and muster a smile to greet him.

"Hey, sorry I didn't hear you," I say. Rex didn't respond, I was always given the silent treatment whenever I didn't tell Rex what's going on when he asked. I kneel on the bed and take both his hands.

"Please promise not to freak out, okay? I'm alright, there's nothing wrong. In fact, I think something's finally going right for me after all the shit storm I've been in," I say, feeling the color rush back to my face. Rex let out a sigh of relief.

"Fucking hell on a pogo stick, Rae, you scared me. What is it then?"

I told him what happened during my interview earlier in the day. So much for Rex not freaking out. He sounded like a freaking fire alarm after I was through telling him about my afternoon.

"You know what this means, right?"

I finally was able to manage Rex to calm down, and we were now just polishing off the last of the Rose while a TV show played muted on the background.

"I know," I responded as I set the glass on the coffee table, clearly understanding what he was trying to say. I suddenly jump out of my seat, remembering I hadn't checked my phone when it vibrated earlier as Rex arrived. "Shit shit shit. Oh my god, I totally forgot about Sebastian! Be right back hun!" I say hurriedly as I raced back to my room.

True enough, I have six messages and two missed calls from Sebastian. I ask Rex if the internet has been restored and I quickly called Sebastian through Facetime as soon Rex said yes. I checked my watch which read 7:30 in the evening. I breathed a sigh of relief, it was just early afternoon in Frankfurt. I desperately hoped he picked up.

My chest tightened a bit when his face came on screen. It looked like he just woke up, his hair was a wild mess and his blue eyes were still fuzzy with sleep. Even then, he's still so beautiful to me.

"Hey," he said lazily. I adjust my position in the bed so that I was leaning against the headboard.

"Hi sleepyhead," I greet him back. "Did I wake you?"

"Don't worry about it," he said and flashed me a smile again. "How was your interview?"

"It was good, it went very well, actually," I say quietly. "I keep waiting for someone to tell me I'm being punk'd, but so far so good. You know that magazine I told you about?" He nodded.

"They want me, Seb. They want me to work for them."

I saw him quickly get up, nearly falling out of bed. He gave me this huge smile and there was nothing I could do not to smile and let out a small giggle at him.

"Oh my god, baby, this is huge! I am so fucking proud of you. I really am, I wish I could be there to hug you and kiss you and tell you in person how happy I am for you."

I could hear the sadness and the longing in his voice and suddenly the fights and all the other arguments over the last few weeks seemed to melt away with what he said. The only reason why we're doing so anyway is because we miss each other so much. Suddenly, the decision I had to make was clear. And what perfect timing it is that the first person I want to tell it to is looking at me right now.

"You'll have your chance," I say very, very quietly I was almost sure Seb missed it. But he didn't, as he squinted his eyes at me.

"Chance at what?"

"Chance to hug me, kiss me, tell me how happy you are for me, among other person," I winked at the last bit. His eyes widened like saucers, what I was trying to imply finally clicking inside his pretty little head. I giggle and nod my head in confirmation while his jaw dropped.

"Am I dreaming?!"

I shake my head. "No, Sebastian, this is as real as it gets. They're flying me out in three weeks to oversee the launch of the magazine and want me to do it as the editor in chief! I'm still trying to grasp the reality of it. That and the fact that I will be able to see you again. You'd better be the first person I see in LAX when I arrive you dumbass."

Sebastian nods vigorously and I feel myself relax.

"Hey Rae?"


"I'm sorry we've been fighting so much lately. I just—this thing, with you, I haven't done this before and with everything going crazy all at once...I guess what I'm trying to say is that I should be trying harder for you. I can't imagine how much more difficult this is for you. Forgive me?"

"It's okay, Seb, really. I should apologize too for being so stubborn. And I'm definitely sorry I hung up on you earlier. I was really worried you'd be mad at me and not take this call."

Sebastian smiled and everything felt right in the world again. It's insane how much this guy has a hold on me.

"I could never be mad at you even if I tried. I know it's only been two months, but you mean so much to me that's why this whole long distance shit is driving me batshit crazy. You're not leaving my side anymore once you get here, you hear that?"

Beyond the Black CurtainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora