The perfect plan

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On Monday,I came up with the perfect plan. No one knew we were friends.
On Tuesday,he stole the gun from his dad.
On Wednesday,we decided to make our move during the following day's pep rally.
On Thursday,while the entire school was in the gym,we waited just outside the doors. I was to use the gun on whoever walked out first. Then he would take the gun and go to the gym blasting. I walked up to Mr Quinn,the guidance counselor and shot him in the face three times. He fell back into the gym,dead. The shots were deafening. We heard screams in the auditorium. No one could see us yet. I handed him the gun and whispered,"your turn". He ran into the gym and started firing. I followed a moment after. He hasn't hit anyone yet. Kids were scrambling and hiding. It was mayhem. I ran behind him and tackled him. We struggled. I wrenched the gun out of his hands,turned it on him and killed him. I closed his mouth forever.
On Friday,I was anointed a hero. It was indeed the perfect plan.

Note: that story wasn't mine but I loved the twist at the end. If you have any story, just pm me and I would post it here. I would try my best to be updating everyday for you guys and remember never to trust anyone that says that you should go first. I mean seriously, in horror movies,the person in front always gets killed👹.

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