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It was another usual day in a college of science students ' Some students were busy in making assignments which were given to them by boring profs. And some were busy with their partners including MSK .. He was a rich , totally spoilt and a Play Boy tag was given to him as that suited him the most..

Maan was busy with one of the girl- flirting and romancing with her when his eyes fell on an innocent looking girl, entering the college campus wearing a salwar suit..hairs neatly tied in a pony tail ,hands had books , and a hand bag hanging on her right arm .. No heals ,all looked at just a simple looking girl as if she came from an alien world .. She was GEET..

She walked in and was busy looking at her books when she bumped into some one... That was , MAAN , who intentionally did that to make her nervous .. The girl quickly recovered from that and went from there mumbling a sorry to the person...

Maan was shocked , he was a dude in the college ..No one behaved like that in front of him.. and she just walked past him without giving him any single glace' that hit his EGO.. and he decided that he will make fun of her in front of the whole college ..

To his luck, Geet came to his group only as prof suggested and he was more than happy..

Plan was simple , to make her fall in love with him and then break her heart in front of the whole college.. That will be a lesson for her to not to mess with MSK and never ignore him anytime .. But Geet being a reserved girl never noticed his presence and that was the final blow to his ego..

On a welcome party he planned another way to embarrass her .. Everything was set for the day..She was one of the Organizer's ,selected by the in charge of the program.. so her presence was must'

Geet came and started to check everything for the last time before party started ..Maan tried one last chance before his plans, he came in front of her..

Maan :- Hi... Maan..

Geet(politely):- Hello.. Excuse me ..

Saying so she started to pass him that again angered Maan and he jerked her hand to him.. Geet just pushed her hand away and slapped him..

Geet:- Don't you dare to touch me again.. Saying so she left, she was already off coz of the work load and that act of the guy made her even more frustrated and anger came out on him...

Everyone was laughing on Maan and Maan felt highly Insulted .. He vowed to let her experience this embarrassment..He had had enough of her... Let's play the GAME now...

The party started and it was on full swing ...Geet was watching the boy who had pulled her a while ago, with disgust..

Maan was dancing on a hot no with girls around him... Geet left from there and was passing from a lonely corridor when she felt a hand covering her mouth and pushing her to one corner and opening a door.. pushing her inside a room which was dark..

Geet's eyes widened in horror and she started to punch the body in front of her whereas the body only smirks and then lit a lighter in front of her...

There she saw, the face of the person who was covering her mouth with one hand and second hand held the lighter in front of her face.. It was MAAN...seeing his smirking face she got negative thoughts as to what this man was up to now??? Geet pushed him with all her might to create at least little distance but Maan didn't move at all...

Maan :- No one.. No one can ignore MSK.. and you??? What did you thought ?? I will leave you .. you insulted me in front of whole college now its your turn.. I will make you suffer and you also will be insulted in few mints..

(MG-OS) THE FEELING OF FIRST LOVEМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя