Bad Dreams

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*Reys Pov*

"Tonight!" Ben had created silence throughout the room while standing up. "One of our newest, Rey, will become your Empress." I was sipping on a strange liquid that Ben promised wasn't alcoholic when I nearly spat it out. A loud applause echoed through and I could tell there were mixed feelings about this decision.

He sat down and the chatter began again. I gave Ben a disapproving look and he smirked.

What were you thinking?!

You will be great.

I'm not becoming anything.

Don't be so naive.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Some voice in my head told me this wouldn't be so bad and that's when I realised it. That nagging feeling. Again, there it was. So familiar. Is this what Leia was talking about? It was. I remembered I wasn't wearing the ring.

I stood up and nobody seemed to noticed.

"Excuse me." I nodded my head at some generals that sent warm smiles.

My heals clicked against the cold polished floor. I felt my dress flow through the icy air that this ship owned and for once I had a sense of freedom and empowerment. My feet were so close to reaching the the exit when something tapped my shoulder.

"Do not make a scene." The exact same red head looked at me with a sort of deathly glare.

"What do you mean?'

"You need to come back to the table, Supreme Leader does not trust in you leaving alone."

"I need air." I snapped back. He scoffed and pulled me aside into the shadows.

"You need to realise that one wrong move and the entire first order will come hunting for you." His voice had warning tone.

"Why do you care? I'm sure you just want me dead. I have no use to you."

"Well..well because."

"Go on" I could tell he was lost for words.

"Get back to your seat." He pointed to my spot while staring directly at me.

"Fine." There was something strange going on.

I felt claustrophobic even though this room was huge. It was a faint feeling but it was there. A fleeting moment and then everything was black.

"Hey! Hey!" The man caught me before I had completely fallen.

*Kylos Pov*

"Help! Help!" General Hux was calling from the darkened area of the room just next to the door.

Everyone began standing and gasping as he walked out of the shadows holding Rey.

I walked over in a hurried pace and took Rey off him. General Hux dismissed everyone and I had taken Rey back to my room.

I placed her on my bed and began removing her makeup and shoes when she stirred.

"Don't move." I had just finished wiping her makeup off when her beautiful golden eyes opened and looked at me.

She didn't say a word. The moment was quiet but not awkward, it was a calming and relaxing moment, so much so that it was captured by time itself to keep as many of it's artworks. Me kneeling at the edge of the bed slowly and longingly gazing at Rey, a sleeping beauty as her chest rose with every breath.

Eventually I pulled myself away and felt an emptiness fill me. Her eyes followed me and she didn't dare move.

After preparing myself for bed, I walked out of the bathroom to find Rey curled up in a ball and the blanket wrapped around half small figure.

Fixing Him // Reylo // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now