✧ 001

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April 04, 2018

XU MINGXIA sat on the edge of her bed staring out the open window that revealed the moon and stars. It was around two in the morning and like usual, she grasped her smartphone in her hand, clutching it to her heart before pressing the most called number in her contacts.

In an instant, she pressed the warm phone to her ear to listen to the phone dialing. Although it had been long since the phone was answered she prayed to whatever God was above that he would answer. After the seventh ring, her heart grew heavier then suddenly the dialing stopped and she heard movement. Her heart slammed against her chest like a hammer pounding down a nail.

"Hello," a voice said on the other line. The voice was raspy, low, and tired, it belonged to a boy around her age. "Hello?"

Mingxia held her breath as a tear fell from her eyes that had dark bags below them. More tears began to spring from her eyes falling down her pale skinny face.

"Junjie," she whispered.

CAI XUKUN laid in bed tired from his long day of work. He had began reading fan mail before bed, but fell asleep reading the first four letters. Five hours later, his phone began to ring. He tried ignoring it then tried to turn it off, but instead fell out of his place. There was no helping it. Now he had to answer.

He looked at the number, he didn't know it and it didn't have a caller ID. He knew he put in all of his contacts from his old phone, but for some reason he picked it up anyways.

He answered and adjusted himself in his spot before placing the cool device by his ear. "Hello?"

He waited a couple seconds, but no one answered him back. He could hear noise in the back so decided to speak again since he may have not been heard. "Hello," he repeated.

From the other side of the line, he heard a whimper. "Junjie?" A delicate, hurt feminine voice said making Xukun sit straight. It was as if the voice controlled him, the raw feelings it had made a shiver run down his spine.

"I...I'm sorry. I'm my name isn't Junjie. Are you okay? Who is this," Xukun asked after a couple of moments. The line went silent and after what felt like forever, the girl on the other side hung up.

ideas keep coming into my head. i decided to write this one because basically all my stories have xukun as an older brother type figure (cause that's how i think of him) so here's a story for our beloved kunkun.

personal; cai xukun ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon