Chapter 36

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Jessicas POV
(Earlier that day)

We pulled up outside of Louis' house and he parked the car. we came here to meet his mom and sisters before we headed off to the beach.

It was hot at the sun was shining full blast so it only made sense to head out to somewhere where we could swim or just relax.

Louis shut the engine off and we sat in the car for a minute. Silence hung in the air as we just sat there. He turned to look at me and smiled. He was trying to make it less awkward for the both of us since both of us seemed tense and nervous.

This time was different than the other times hanging out with his family. This time he was going to introduce me as his girlfriend. None of them knew that he had asked me out yet so it was a big surprise.

I had met them before but this time was so nerve wrecking. I wish he had told them before hand but we had both decided that we would tell them when we arrived.

"Ready?" he asked.

I smiled and nodded at him. He unbuckled his seatbelt and I heard Lindsey's slam back and hit the car door. "Come on let's you! you guys take forever!" she threw her door open and jumped out of the car and just about ran up the front path to the front door.

Louis and I looked at one a other before bursting into laughter. She was really like Louis in some ways. Impatient and crazy, but I was the same so I couldn't really judge her for that.

I carefully clicked me seatbelt to undo it and than carefully slid in back into its holster. Louis opened the door and climbed out and carefully slid in back in, but still made sure it was closed.

He walked around the car and I sat and waited, since I knew he'd be upset if I didn't cause he always complained it ruined his "manly ego."

He opened my door for me and extended a hand out to me so he could help me out of the car. I smiled and graciously placed my hand in his. He helped me out of the car and than carefully shut the door behind me.

Since he had asked me out yesterday he seemed to pay more attention to details than before. Like slamming the door of the car shut for instance was once of them.

He didn't bother to lock the car since we were coming back and we walked up the stone walkway, hand in hand. It felt calming to just walk with him and holding his hand, even though I knew of what was to come once we walked through that door.

We walked up the front steps and he didn't let go of my hand as he opened the door. He let me step in first. I looked inside as if it was somewhere where I'd never come back out from again.

I turned to look at him and he gave me a small smile of encouragement. i took a small step inside the doorway and Louis followed behind me. He shut the glass door behind us, we walked inside a little more before he turned and closed the inner door.

Now we were stuck inside the house. My heart started to pound. I gripped his hand even tighter and he squeezed it back. I looked at him. "Don't worry. You'll be fine." he said quietly.

I nodded. He looked around for a minute before looking back at me. I was confused until he placed a quick kiss on my lips. I smiled. He must've been looking to see if anyone was around.

My lips were tingling slightly. I couldn't help but smile.

He guided me along and into the kitchen. Lindsey was already sitting down at the kitchen table. They all turned towards as we walked in.

"Well you two took your sweet time." Lottie said as she crossed her arms over her chest. She was trying to scold us but she was defiantly holding back a smile. The corner of her mouth was twitching slightly.

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