Chapter 46

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Jessica's POV

After almost ripping out half of my hair leaving my head pounding, fighting to apply make up and redoing it twice because I was made to look like a clown, being forced to reapply nail polish to my chipped nails and than being shoved into a dress was definatly not the highlight of my week.

Than after three hours, yes three hours, we were on our way to a major party at I think was Caitlin's house. Her parents were away for the week and so she wanted to throw a big bash before people went off to college early and everything.

I was no longer interested in going at all.

I wanted to sleep, eat tub after tub of ice cream and than cry.

But no. they just had to meddle, get all up in my business and drag my unwilling and uncooperative self out of the warmth and security of my bed and covers into a sea of drunks, bastards and major douches.

This is a major waste of time.

Lindsey say beside me in the backseat, swinging her small dangling legs as she sat excitedly waiting to go over to her friends house.

We were dropping her off at who I think was the Mazens house. There eldest son went to school with us and that I know of he was a big partier and an even bigger drinker.

And of course Lindsey was friends with his little sister.

"Can I go home now?" I asked once more as I sat in the backseat with my arms crossed over my chest and tight scowl on my face. "You wanted to get me out of the house and now I'm out. Let's go get ice cream than let me go home."

Lauren shook her head as Natalie rolled her eyes.

"You need to stop being a couch potato and get out and have some fun with these people. Most of them you won't see again." Sarah said quietly as she nudged me slightly.

I moved over so I was closer to the door, almost hugging it, like Spider-Man hugging the wall of a skyscraper so he wouldn't fall and die.

Oh wonderful though. Now I want to be home with my Spider-Man shirt on.

Scratch that.

I want to be home in my sweatpants with a long sleeved and soft iron man shirt. Definatly better than plain old Spider-Man.

Now I want to watch the iron man movies and have a marathon!


"I don't want to though. you can't force someone out against their will. and plus I don't care for most of these people so why even bother going at all!" I exclaimed as I turned and looked out the window at the trees whizzing by in a flash of green and the sky dark and merciless.

* * *

I was still forced out of my house and of my home and forced to the place full of sweaty people and disgusting smells that made me feel almost as sick as the people would feel later in their hung over state.

I wanna leave.

I wanna leave.

I wanna leave.

The music blasted around me and my ears started to ring. The drink I held tightly in my hand was defiantly spiked and I was feeling the affects of drinking way too much of it.

Someone just get me out of here!

A guy came up to me, one of which I had seen earlier making out with a blonde in the corner earlier. they were just about making a child over there.

Before he could say a word to me I had thrown the spiked punch in his face, and as he moved backwards in agony since whatever was on his forehead was sliding down into his eyes adding to whatever had been thrown there before, I crushed the cup I had in my hand and than left him there.

I turned away from the people, and slowly, one by one, they all faded away into the background and became a noiseless mass of confusion.

I didn't give two shits if I was driven here anymore. I couldn't find anyone, everyone was off with boyfriends and doing something that made no sense to me and I was just done. I'm fucking walking home.

I made my way to the front door and pushed by a couple who were making out right in front of it. I opened the door and ended up hitting them with it.

Both of them turned and gave me angry looks and I just shrugged my shoulders. "Sorry!" I yelled over the music before I slip out the door and slammed it shut behind me.

Both of those bitches deserved it.

I stepped down the couple concrete steps on the front of the house and started to walk down the street. The sky was dark, just as it had been earlier when I had left, except now the clouds had turned black.

My feet were pounding from the right heels on my feet. I stopped on the sidewalk and slid them off. I picked them up before continuing my long journey home.

First I had to get home and than I had to get my car and go and get Lindsey from her friends house.

She was not staying there tonight.

The friends house we had dropped her off at I felt was not safe and so of course she was defiantly not staying there.

I grumbled to myself as I walked home, thinking how it took about ten minutes to get there by car and it would take even longer on foot.

About halfway home rain began to fall and pound on the pavement.

"Fuck you asshole." I murmured as I picked up my pace. I cringed when I stepped on something sharp. I looked down and realized I stepped in small pieces of glass. "Bloody fuckin hell." I readjusted my foot and kept the same pace as I walked.

In another half hour I was home and I quickly ran up the steps, ignoring the pain now coursing through my veins.

I unlocked the door and stepped inside. I locked the front door behind me and headed immediately to the bathroom, dripping wet.

My make up had all run down my face and made me look like a raccoon and my hair was heavy and tangled.

I opened the cabinet and pulled out the first aid kit. I set it down on one side of the sink before I sat down on the other. I pulled my foot up where I could see it and saw it was now covered in blood.

I looked over at the area in front of the cabinet as bloody mad I knew I'd have to clean that up before I left.

I opened the first it kit and pulled out the tweezers and removed all 28 ms yes 28 small pieces of glass. they weren't by enough for me to need stitches but they were big enough go cause a good mount of bleeding.

I put the tweezers back before sterilizing and than wrapping up the wounds with gauze and medical tape.

I carefully climbed down from the counter, cleaned up the bathroom and put everything away before going into my room.

I changed into a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt and than putting my hair into a bun before grumbling, sliding on shoes and running back out the door.

It took me only a couple of minutes to get to where Lindsey was, a little while longer to explain to the parents that I just wanted her home because I knew I wouldn't be out long and than driving back home.

The whole time Lindsey talked about how much fun she had at her friends house and the whole time all I could think about was how much I missed him and how life would never be the same for me.

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