It was so vivid. 

        "It showed you mercy," Stiles mumbled while scrolling through the options. Sage didn't say anything, just put her hand on his shoulder as he pressed delete.

        She took a deep breath and went to speak but she felt another cold chill come. This time, however, it had a different effect and she realized it wasn't just a gust of wind. Her grip of Stiles' shoulder loosened and she fell to the floor, her whole body convulsing as she felt another stun. 

        "Sage, Sage!" Stiles cried out, dropping to the floor.

         He grabbed a hold of her face, pulling the blonde strands out of her line of sight as she started to seize. His eyes widened and he pulled her body in his lap, watching as her eyes glazed over. She continued to shake, and Stiles felt tears brimming as he watched her.


♐ ♐ ♐ ♐ ♐ ♐

        Stiles sat in the waiting room of the hospital, his knees shaking rapidly while he bit his nails. They had called an ambulance to the house when Sage started having a seizure out of the blue. His dad was the one talking to Melissa, Sage's designated nurse for the time being. Stiles wasn't able to see Sage yet, even though he'd been waiting for the past hour and half. 

        When his dad finally walked over, Stiles shot out of his seat. "What happened? Is she okay?" 

        "She had a seizure as an effect of being electrocuted. Stiles, what did you do?" 

        Stiles fell back into his seat. How the hell had she been electrocuted? She wasn't even near anything that had electricity. He looked up at his father and shook his head, not even able to speak because the words would only come out as an incoherent sentence.

        His dad frowned before speaking again. "You can go see her. She's awake." 

        Stiles wasted no time jogging to her room, jerking open the door and practically stumbling in. She was awake, she just looked like shit. Stiles wasn't going to tell her that though, so he just walked over to her, taking a seat in one of the chairs. She had smiled when she saw him, and he couldn't help but feel a large weight lift off his shoulder when he saw it. 

        "You scared the shit out of me, Sage," Stiles admitted, running his hands through his short hair. 

        "I'm sorry," Sage croaked out. She watched as he scooted closer to her, and she could clearly see that he was still stressed out. Grabbing a hold of his hand, the one that didn't have an IV in it, she squeezed it tightly. "Hey, I'm okay." 

          "Just don't ever do that again, alright? I thought I was going to have a heart attack," Stiles complained. It was true, when he saw her hit the floor he, honest to god, thought his heart stopped beating. 

        "Well, that would be inconvenient. Maybe they could get us to be roommates," Sage cracked a smile, nodding her head over at the empty bed to the left. Stiles chuckled and shook his head, giving her hand another tight squeeze. "Don't you have a werewolf to go find?" 

        Stiles frowned, glancing back towards the door. "Yeah but—" 

        "Go," Sage ushed, nodding once with an uneasy smile. "I'll be fine." 

        Stiles bit his lip, standing up. "I'll come back after. We need to figure out why you had the seizure." 

        Sage nodded her head, and gave a tight smile as she watched Stiles leave, giving another glance back before he closed to door. When he was gone, she flopped her head back on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. She already knew why she had the seizure, she knew as soon as she hit the floor what was happening. She just didn't want to have Stiles worrying about her anymore than he already was. 

Sage ▸ Stiles Stilinski [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now