Chapter 03 - Everything Will Be Okay

Start from the beginning

Frankie entered the room with some torches for the trip. "Right, take one each we're gonna need it." He insisted as everyone took a torch.

"I swear this is the craziest thing, why have we all agreed to this?" Beau chatted questioning why they had all agreed.

"I'm not gonna lie.. I'm terrified." James admitted playing with the torch switching the light on and then off.

"Alright, we better get ready, it's almost eleven o'clock." Ariana informed everyone.

Once everyone was ready they made their way out to the ten seater suv carrying their torches tightly. Once in the driver drove them off to the town of skull. The group spent the journey panicking about what they would face once at the cemetery.

Ariana rested her head tiredly on Jai's shoulder as she held onto his hand tightly.

"You tired baby?" He whispered noticing she was dozing off.

"Ye..ah.." She replied now laying on his chest. He kissed her forehead rubbing her back.

"Ari, you better be awake by the time we get there." Frankie warned her watching her as she laid in Jai's arms.

"Like something out of a movie." Luke remarked also looking at Ariana.

"I can't even explain how terrified I am." Colleen told.

"Here.. Town of Skull." The driver spoke informing them that they had arrived at their destination.

"Baby, we're here.. wake up." Jai whispered informing Ariana.

"Mmmm." She groaned tiredly.

"Shit!" Beau swore looking out of the window.

"Who's getting out first?" Isaac asked looking around at everyone.

"Absolutely nothing to be scared of." Frankie exclaimed getting out of the car as everyone else followed.

"I can't see a thing." Colleen uttered with a hint of scaredness in her voice.

"It's so cold." Ariana mumbled.

Jai took off his jacket placing it around Ariana's shoulders. "But you're gonna be cold." She whispered holding his hand tightly.

"Don't worry. I'm fine." He replied putting his arm around her.

                           (Ariana's Point Of View)

It was pitch black not a spec of light was visible. I felt claustrophobic. I held onto Jai's hand tightly feeling a little safer. He made me feel safe. We all turned our torches on, the image of a horrific cemetery meeting us. I took a picture of a Tree. I thought it looked quite sketchy. It was missing the majority of it's leaves and branches. However It was all quite disturbing, the view of a dozen grave stones sending chills to our spines.

None of us spoke. We just kept walking following the light viewing whatever was in front of us. We noticed a grave stone that was in a billion pieces only the name of the person visible 'Seymour Spirits' It made me feel sick. There was a message beside it that read 'Pay your respects or die.' We backed away from it immediately feeling frightened. "This is horrible." I heard Beau whisper.

I felt myself shaking Jai stopping me in my tracks to calm me down putting his hand around my waist holding me tightly. I looked at my phone at the picture of the tree feeling my heart beat at 100 miles per hour.

"Are you okay?" Jai spoke as everyone looked at me.

"Look.." I mumbled showing everyone my phone.

The picture I took of the tree now appears to show two of the most scariest faces. But it wasn't there before. I need to leave.

"Ariana! delete it off of your phone!." My mom warned me incredibly scared for all of our safety.

I didn't listen. Secretly I found it fascinating and quite cool.

"Delete it." Jai also told me.

"I will later." I responded holding onto him.

"We need to leave.. this is far to terrifying." Colleen demanded. We decided that it was best for us to leave.

"Never again" Isacc spoke.

We made our way to the car wanting to forget tonight even happened. I was still completely freaked out about the picture of the tree and I couldn't seem to get it out of my head. I deleted it. Once in the car I rested my head again on Jai's shoulder just wanting to get back to the hotel and go to sleep.

"Today has to be the most craziest day ever. Well at least we all got scared together it would of be worse on our own" I chatted.

Hopefully some Kabbalah will protect me." Isaac spoke.

"Yes Kabbalah is the way forward." I joined in. Isaac giggled.

"Might have to join it, I'm gonna need something to protect me." Colleen added.

We all laughed as the car drove us back to the hotel.

                                                    * * * * * 

A bit later and we arrived back at the hotel. I was too tired. So Jai carried me in his arms, as I rested my head on his shoulder as everyone followed behind. Jai put me down as we made our way into the hotel apartment.

"Sleep is needed." Isaac beamed as we entered the hotel apartment.

"Goodnight everyone." I beamed as me and Jai made our way to our room.

I changed into my pajamas while Jai opted to be Shirtless and in his boxers.. as usual.. I can't complain though. I made my way into the bed as he joined me his naked torso against my body.

"Goodnight baby." He declared kissing me on my lips.

"Goodnight handsome." I replied cuddling into his chest.

An hour or so later and I was awoken by the text tone of my phone. It was the picture.

"Jai!" I freaked out waking him up.

"Mmmm." He groaned tiredly opening his eyes.

I showed him the picture that was included in the text. It was of the tree.

"Are you sure you deleted it?" he questioned me tiredly.

Yes of course." I replied completely shaken.

"This is insane!" He spoke looking just as scared as I was.

"I don't know what to do." I spoke my voice shaking a little.

"Ignore it, you have a show tomorrow. Let's get some sleep. Don't worry about it. Everything will be okay." He spoke assuring me that everything will be fine.

I turned my phone off proceeding to sleep again in the arms of the love of my life.

I hope you guys enjoyed this please comment and let me know what you think and I shall update soon also don't forget to vote.

You're My One and Only (A Jariana Fanfic) - Jai Brooks and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now