Chapter One

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Chapter one

"Going away" (Mark to the right)

"What! You are sending me away!" I said surprised. I couldn't believe my dad was actually willling to send me away to a stranger. A STRANGER!

Yup that's right, a complete and utter stranger.

"It's for the best hun. It's too dangerous for you here and I'll get some help." said my dad, Ronnie.

"I don't even know these people and your sending me to live with them! What about my friends! I have a life ya' know!"

"These people are really good friends of mine. They are even paying for your flight and you can use social media to contact your friends."

"You just dont understand! I'm leaving my hometown, my HOME! I'm leaving my home and everything behind!" At this point I was already furious and I wanted to hit something.

"Please Sam ju-" My father was then inturupted when I said, "No! I am done listening to you!" after that I began to run to my room and slam the door. How could he do this to me? My friends and my life. It's all going to stay here while I move to Colorado. This is just hor-"Make sure to pack!" My dad said rudely interupting my thoughts.

I picked up my solid color baby blue suitcase and started to fill it in. I started with my undergarments then T-shirts to jeans. I also packed some of my athletic wear and athletic items for when I play sports. I zipped up my suitcase and walked to my closet. It was empty and the only thing there was my drawing I drew on that wall when I was 6 years old. I stood there for a while remebering good memories and then went to grab my carry-on bag. I filled it with extra stuff that could fit and then started to walk out of my room. It was 1 P.M. and my flight took off at 4.

"I see your packed. Ready to go baby girl?"

"Yeah...whatever" I said bluntly. I still can't believe this is happening and I mean after all he can't even take care of him self.

"Sweetheart, look I'm sorry this is happening, but It's not a safe environment for you here."

"Well it was for the past 16 years of my life and all of sudden it became DANGEROUS! Seriously Ron do you hear yourself?" I snapped sending him a glare.

"Come on let's go" He said with a sigh.


I pulled out my Ipod and headphones from my black jordan's carry-on bag. I put the song COUNTING STARS by ONE REBUBLIC blasting through my headphones.

This is going to be a long flight...


I pulled out my headphones from my ears and stuffed it into my carry-on bag. I stood up and took out my suitcase. I started to walk out and read the signs with names on them. I felt like I was in a movie because this sort of thing never happens in real life. The signs read Walker, Jamie, Stwert, Kim, Kenny, "Samantha?Sanmantha is that you?"

I turned around to see a women who looked in her late forties, She had nice blonde hair that was curled. She was wearing a light blue dress with a brown belt along her waist; her heels were a white that matched her pearl necklace. Next to her was a man that looked like he was in his late forties too. He wore a black buisness suit and was holding a work suitcase. It looked like the ones lawyers had for cases.

"AWE! Look at you all grown up! I bet you don't remember me, I'm Lilian Wilson, but you can call me Lilly. To my right is my husband Dalton Wilson." I shaked both of their hands and didn't bother to introduce myself since they obviously knew my name.

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