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*Maja's pov*
I had left the boys and was going to re meet them at the next place I was going to go surprise Thalia.
I've been missing her but it seems like the others don't even know who she is anymore... it's sad.

I'm pulling up to the house and all the lights seem to be off...that's odd Thalia always leaves the lights on, maybe she's out?

I quietly open the door and go into the kitchen where a sheet of paper catches my eye
'Maja I'm sorry. I didn't deserve you or any of this. I'm out of the way now so don't worry about me. Tell the boys I said bye'
Is what it read
I called an ambulance and ran frantically round the house trying to find her yelling her name out.
I go to the third floor and I hear crying but before I can move towards it, the noise stops and I hear a thud I ran as fast as I could and saw her lying on the floor with the bottle in her hands, no no no
"Thalia, come on girl stay with me" I cried
No response
"Come on Thalia wake up, please come on" I start to shake her lifeless body.
I hold her and cry onto her till the paramedics come to take her, I go with them in the ambulance and I'm still crying gripping onto her hand telling her it's going to be okay.
"Come on please, talk to me" I whisper
We arrive at the hospital and i stay right beside her until
"I'm sorry mam you'll have to wait here" a doctor stops me
"Is there any way.." I tried
"Sorry mam you must wait in the waiting room" he put his hand on my shoulder and I went to take a seat.
I sat shaking and crying I get out my phone to message the I can't do that, they are due to preform tonight I can't put that on them, i can't tell them. Not now anyway.
I plug in my headphones and put them on full volume to feel something over the numbness of my body.
My best friend could be dead.
Please be okay.
Thalia I'm begging.

*Thalia's pov*
I can tell I've been out for a while and I feel like I still am, my entire body is paralysed, maybe this will all wear off and I'll be with Connor again soon.

Connor was my twin brother who got kidnapped when we were nine, just before our birthday.
A couple of weeks later his body was found in a bush and I miss him every day. I just want him back. 

"It's been a while Thals" I hear an all to familiar voice

"CONNOR!" I yelled and suddenly felt myself running towards him
"I've missed you so much"

"I've missed you too, now explain why your here, Thalia what happened?" He hugged me

"Well...I...I um" I cried into his shoulder "I'm sorry, I'm such a screw up"

"Don't say that, Thalia's you are not" he rubbed my back "so you know where we are?"

"Heaven?" I asked

"Not exactly, it's a sort of in the middle, turn round" he pointed

I did so and what I saw was a scary sight "that..tha...that's my body.." I said shaking

"Don't be scare it's okay" he started walking "now I have to show you a few things, you want to come?" He asked

"..Okay" I said taking his hand

"So firstly this is Amelia, she has loved you since you started on YouTube, she watched you last video 100 times over, I watch over her, her life isn't the best but you bring her so much happiness and you make her feel a purpose, she runs the first fan account ever made for you, she loved you Thalia" he explained
I ran over to her and tried to hug her, but I ran straight through her.
"You can't touch anything, right now we are like spirits"

"Oh okay, what is her Instagram?" I asked

"@itzamelia_X_Thalia" he responded

"I'd check her out but..." I sighed "you know"

"I know, anyway on to the next place" he said and we moved to a set up of a huge venue

"This is where I watched my first concert, isn't it?" I asked

"It is" he replied

"Why show me this?" I asked

He said nothing just pointed behind me.

I turned round to see none other than 5/5 of why don't we with Eben and Christina

"Why show me this?" I questioned

"They all seem different without you, they don't seem like the same people" he sighed

"I had to stay I'm sorry, wait who is that?" I asked after a new person walked into the room

"Just some person touring with them anyway on to the last place" he rushed

"Hold on, no don't go yet!" I semi-screamed

"Sorry to late, what was wrong?" He said

" I never saw Maja, where is she?" I questioned "and why are we back here in the hospital?"

"Well you see, Maja come to surprise you, she found you and if you walk out of that door you will see her, crying and praying the doctor can save you" he pointed

My heart went cold, maybe she did care?
I began to cry as I walked through the open door.
I went to sit by her and tried to talk to her but then I remembered that I'm a spiritual being, I'm almost certainly dead

"Connor, Connor!" I yelled

"Come back here" he replied

I got up and walked to him "if your dead then how are you here?"

"That's a good question, and I hope I have a good answer, basically the day I died was the same day I got taken, they tried to take you, but I wouldn't let them, so I protected you and from the day I died I swore I would always do the same and with the help from the angels im here to take you back with me..." I cried, I just cried

"Connor I've made a mistake, what if I made the wrong choice" I dropped to the floor and cried some more

"Listen to me, and let me finish you can come back with me or you can go back and live on, but if you go back I can't promise I can do this again, chose wisely" he smiled and sat by me

"I think I want to go back, I mean I think I do but I just don't know" I dabbed my eyes

"Time is running out Thals, you make the choice" he rubbed my back

"I...I want to go back, but please help me remember you" I asked

"Just remember I always am here" he put his hand over my heat

"Thank you Connor, it makes me happy to know you are still with me" I smiled

"It's time are you ready" he hugged me

"I'm ready" I hugged him back

"I love you Connor, and I alway will" I squeezed him tight

"I love you too" and as he said that I felt myself drifting backwards and I see Connor waving at me.

*Maja's pov*
As I'm sat crying I can feel a weird presents next to me.
Something in my gut tells me it's Thalia.
That she didn't make it.
That she sat here to say sorry in a way.
That's when a doctor calls her name and I break down more than I already am, he came over and told me that she is okay and she is awake and let me tell you have have never ran so fast.

"Oh my gosh Thalia...."

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