Jeanne D'Arc x Male! Reader

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This will be in the time when you were both alive, there will not be that much Holy Grail War stuff included.

As you woke up, you began to count the days of doing the same routine, over and over, with no reason to change. Life was a boring thing with no one to love. Your parents died in a fire caused by an unknown person, but you inherited their money. Making you the richest person in Orleans.

You got up from your bed, and began to go to the bathroom to wash yourself. (I don't know how they lived their daily lives in old times, so I don't know. Just roll with it.)

Timeskip a little after you're done washing yourself and changing clothes because fuck that I'm not writing that shit.

You went out to buy your daily things,while talking with the shopkeepers. Most of them knew your parents, and mostly comforted you during your talks. But you would always say it's fine.

As you were talking with the shopkeepers, you see a blond-haired female struggling to read what the signs said.

You walk over to her and ask her what's wrong.

Jeanne: Ah, well, I can't read what these signs say. I wasn't able to be given an education due to me coming from a poor family. The only thing I can do is only write my first name.

(Y/N): Ah, I see. Let me read that for you.

As you draw closer to her and the stands, your heart flutters even more. This might be the feeling of love you thought. You'll finally get to have someone in your life if all goes well.

Jeanne instantly fell in love with you, but knew that she wouldn't get a chance of having even a speck of your love due to her being poor.

(Y/N): Hello? You there?

Jeanne: Ah, yes, what is it?

(Y/N): Did you understand the signs now that I told you?

Jeanne: Ah, I'm sorry, if you do not mind, can you read them for me?

(Y/N): Sure. These say "20 potatoes for 2 gold coins, 6 carrots for one gold coin, and 2 gold coins for a sack of rice." (Don't ask the sack of rice)

Jeanne: Ah, I see.

Jeanne went to pick from her pockets, but couldn't find any gold coins.

Jeanne: Oh, looks like I won't be eating today.

Jeanne held her head down and walked away.

Being the person you were, you just couldn't stand someone not eating, and it was the first person you fell in love with, too.

(Y/N): Hey! Wait!

Jeanne turned her head over and looked at you confused.

(Y/N): What's your name?

Jeanne: It's Jeanne, Jeannette D' Arc, but you can just call me Jeanne.

(Y/N): Well, Jeanne, maybe I can pay your food for you?

Jeanne: You can't! That would make me feel bad.

(Y/N): Nonsense, I don't mind. I hate seeing people not eat. Food is needed to keep living, and life would be wasted if they didn't live it to the fullest.

Jeanne: That's...

(Y/N): Now, let me pay for your troubles.

You paid for her food and a little bit of extra, and by extra I mean enough to last 3 families an entire month.

Jeanne could barely lift her food so you came over to help her.

Looks of shock came from the townsfolk as they see that large amount of food.

Timeskip to when you get to Jeanne's house

When you get to Jeanne's house, you see her Mom coming over with a look of shock plastered on her face.

Jeanne's Mother: Jeannette! How did you get this much food?! Did you steal this?!

Jeanne: No, I did not, Mother. Someone payed for this food.

Jeanne's Mother: And who exactly can pay for this much food?

You walk over to them and say:

(Y/N): I can.

She let out a gasp and gives so many thanks it's like the amount of people take a shit every day.

(Y/N): It's nothing. Goodbye you two.

Jeanne's Mom: Goodbye young man, and thank you for your generosity.

Jeanne: Thank you and bye uh.....I didn't catch your name.

(Y/N): It's (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N).

Jeanne: Oh, then thank you and goodbye then, (Y/N).

Both of you started meeting more, and you started teaching her how to read and write.

Then she suddenly joined the war without her mother and you knowing.

So being the person you were, you joined her, and fought to protect her, and win this war.

You were given armor that would be pierced easily, but due to your skills, you weren't even hit at all (The new Jesus-kun)

As the war ended, Jeanne was given the title "Maid of Orleans", and you were given the tile of "Bouclier d'Orleans".

After the war ended, you eventually proposed to Jeanne, and had an easy life.


But that easy life had lived short, for the king had ordered for Jeanne's death.

You've heard of this, and bought new armor to defend yourself and Jeanne from the upcoming arrow storm.

You hurriedly went to the place where Jeanne was sent to be burnt, and you've already killed 4 guards.

More and more guards came, but luckily your horse was just next to you.

So you grabbed Jeanne and fled, escaping the town.

Eventually you and Jeanne built a house far away from the town and lived a normal life.

And by normal, I mean getting killed by guards 3 days after you escaped.

You were shot in the heart when you were least expecting it and Jeanne was killed by her neck being cut off.

But one thing you didn't know is that you two would be Ruler Servants in the Holy Grail War.

As you appear in a kneeling position, you're in a very different environment.

Everything looked so modern and fancy.

Someone who you don't know approaches you, but they introduce themselves as your master.

(Y/M): Greetings, I am your Master, (Y/M) (Y/M/L). What is your true name?

(Y/N): (Y/N) (L/N), Ruler Class. I have answered to your summons. I hope we win this Grail War.

(Y/M): Likewise.

As you both were travelling in town, you see someone familiar in the streets in casual clothing.

(Y/N): Is that....Jeanne?

You shout Jeanne's name and see if it was really her.

You see her turn her head and look at you. She then charges at you and hugs you tightly.

Jeanne: I've missed you so much, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): I've missed you too, my love. Are you a servant in the Holy Grail War too?

Jeanne: Yes, I am a Ruler servant as well, but I do not need a master.

(Y/N): I see. Will you help us win the War, my Love?

Jeanne: I will, anything for the person I have fallen in love with for all eternity.

And so, with the help of Jeanne, you and your Master managed to win the Holy Grail War, with him wishing to cure his sister of her disease. While you wished to be with Jeanne for all eternity.

And that's a wrap! I finally got this chapter done. I'll get to the requests tomorrow, I just really wanted to write my own Jeanne chapter even if was trash and it didn't contain that much romance.

Word count: 1146 words.

Fem! Various Characters x Male! ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora