Atalanta (Archer) x Male Reader

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(Y/N) - Your name
(Y/M) - Your Master's name
You also replace Achilles in this insert.

Atalanta is the daughter of Clymene and Iasus, but she was abandoned because she was in the "undesirable" state of being a female. Later she was adopted by a bear and met you, who was also adopted by the same bear.

As both of you got older, both of you met a group of hunters and they started teaching you the ways of hunting. You both seemed to be a natural at this, for you already have surpassed them in only four months.

Eventually, Atalanta desired to join the Argonauts but a man named Jason feared that having a woman in the crew would cause problems like what happened in the Calydonian Bear Hunt. But you managed to persuade him and got Atalanta to join.

After the Bear Hunt has started, Atalanta managed to draw First Blood and has been given a reward for her efforts.

Eventually she managed to gather enough fame and was now allowed to come home with her father, but not without getting you to come with her.

Iasus then tried fulfilling his fatherly duties and tried to find Atalanta a husband. But she merely refused to choose anyone else but you.

You were shocked to find out she would choose you because you had feelings for her ever since she was adopted by the bear, and you never knew who she liked.

Iasus accepted her decision but on one condition: You have to beat her in a spar.

You accepted this challenge and sparred with her.

It was a close call but you managed to win.

Both of you were married and lived a good life, but never abandoned hunting.

Eventually both of you died by fighting a hundred bears.

But what you wouldn't know, is that you'd be together with her again in the Great Holy Grail War.

As you were summoned, the first person you saw was Atalanta.
You locked eyes with her before smiling and hugging her.

Your master approaches you and introduces himself to you.

(Y/M): Nice to meet you (Y/N), my name is (Y/M).

(Y/N): It's nice to meet you too, Master. I hope we become good friends during this Holy Grail War.

(Y/M): Likewise.

Atalanta: Now, enough with the introductions. My love, we must fight fight the Black Faction, our Berserker had already gone first.

(Y/N): I understand.

Both of you went into the forest which lead into the base of the Black Faction, maintaining stealth and scouting the area for enemy servants.

Atalanta: If Berserker of Red uses his Noble Phantasm, we must flee. He will be too dangerous.

(Y/N): I see, but for now we must find enemy servants.

Spartacus rushed into their base maniacally laughing, with the faction of Black preparing to capture him.

Timeskip (I forgot the battle scene, I'll make up for it next chapter.)

Spartacus was captured, and the Saber of Black has been killed due to unknown means.

Both of you retreated back to your Masters, only to see them poisoned and Shirou Kotomine having command seals.

Timeskip (If I don't, then this will become 2000 words and I don't want it to be that long)

After you have killed Chiron, you went off wounded to find Atalanta.

You see the Ruler Servant Jeanne D'Arc and Atalanta fighting, with Agrius Metamorphosis in effect.

(Y/N): Ruler! Get away! I will take care of this!

Jeanne: I understand!

And with that, Ruler flees. As you prepare your spear, you remember all your memories with her when you were both still alive.

Atalanta: Move! For I must kill that child murderer!

(Y/N): I cannot, my love.

She growls and tries to shoot you, but you deflect it and charge to her.

Minutes pass into your fight, it was as if both of you moved faster than light. You stab your spear right into her heart and her arrow in yours.

You cry as she apologizes for everything she has done and disappears.

(Y/N): My love, you and your wish are beautiful. I am sorry for this moment. I wasn't a good husband for you. But I hope you can forgive me.

You cry even more tears as you disappear, hoping to meet her again in the afterlife.

And done! 700 words is now my new record! I'm sorry if there was little to no dialogue and too many timeskips. I'll make up for it.

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