Chapter Thirty One- "I Couldn't Wait Any Longer."

Start from the beginning

            “I’m Sophia.” I grinned and stuck my hand out to Ryan first, and then Chaz. I really wanted them to like me because after all, they were Justin’s best friends.

            “Yeah we both know who you are.” Ryan replied. “I swear to god this kid never stops talking about you. Every single time we’re on the phone it’s ‘Sophia did this’ or ‘Sophia looked so hot today Ryan you shoulda seen-“

            “Stop.” Justin cut him off and bit the inside of his cheek out of embarrassment. It wasn’t embarrassing to me whatsoever though. I thought it was the cutest thing in the world that he did that.

            “Aww.” I teased. “Baby, you’re cute.”

            His cheeks flushed and I decided to stop there. I didn’t need him to get picked on by the two of them because that’s the last thing he needed.

            “Alright well the car’s started so are you ready to go?”
            I nodded my head to Chaz and grabbed onto Justin’s hand before walking out into the freezing cold of Stratford, Canada.



            “Dude you got creamed!” Justin erupted into laughter and set his helmet on the wall of the ice rink. After realizing that I obviously couldn’t go ice-skating the three of them decided to play a game of hockey, which I gladly enjoyed watching. Justin plus sports equals a horny me.

            “I’m sorry you couldn’t go.” He sat down next to me on the bench and kissed my cheek.

            “Oh trust me, I thoroughly enjoyed myself.”

            “Don’t do that.” He warned. “Don’t start it when you know you aren’t going to finish it.”

            Before I had the time to respond, Chaz and Ryan carried over hot chocolate for all of us and sat down next to Justin. It suddenly hit me as my fingers wrapped around the warm foam cup what I was going to get Justin for Christmas.

            “So.” Justin said to make conversation. “I kind of wanted us all to get together so that I could ask you guys to be in the wedding. Chaz I want you to be a groomsman and Ryan I want you to be my best man.”

            “Oh wow, nice.” Chaz snorted sarcastically. “I see how it is.”

            “Chaz I’ve known Ryan longer.” He laughed. “I’m sorry.”

            “It’s all good. I’d be honored though man.”

            “Same here.” Ryan said. “Of course we will bro.”
            Smiling to myself, I rested my head onto Justin’s shoulder and listened to the beating of his heart through the winter jacket he was wearing. It was almost as if I could feel the happiness radiating off of him from where I was sitting. The wedding was so close but so far away it seemed like. I was more than ready for this though. I was more than ready to get married to the man of my dreams.

            “I think since you guys are getting married here then you should just move here.” Chaz spoke up and winced as the burning liquid went down his throat. “I miss you man.”

            That would be so perfect if we could move to Canada and be with his family. I wouldn’t mind it whatsoever. Los Angeles was way too hectic for me. I mean, there was just way too much paparazzi and so much glamour and fame. I would move down here in an instant. I wonder if Justin felt the same way.

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