Chapter 13, P. S. I Love You

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No, no, no no no! This could NOT be happening? How could Jack be in the hospital? I was so close... and I had to go find him. I had to go comfort the boy I love, I had no clue what condition he was in but I knew I just had to go find him. Without hesitation, I asked.

"What room is he in?" 

She looked at me with a surprised face, then scribbled down the number on a little sheet of paper, handing it to me.

"Room 208 dear, he should be there," she said.

"Thank you, ma'am," I said as I rushed back to my house. 

I couldn't walk to the hospital, so I had to have someone else take me. I eventually convinced Dad to drive me, after much bribing. Although it was hard to convince him without much of an explanation, I eventually told him I needed to go to the hospital for a school project, and that my friend would be there. Thankfully he didn't ask too many other questions. 

"Here you are Sweet Pea," he smiled, opening the door for me.

"Thank you, Dad!" I gave him a big hug and kissed him on the cheek before stepping out of the vehicle. 

I speed walked to his room, preparing for the worst. I hesitantly opened the curtain, but I didn't find Jack on the hospital bed, it was is little brother... Liam. 

I was confused, then relieved. Beside his bed, Jack sat with his face in his palms. I felt bad for his brother, but I couldn't help being happy it wasn't him. My Jack wasn't injured... and I could finally tell him how sorry I was. I have a little knock on the wall to get his attention.

"Hey, stranger," I said quietly, smiling slightly.


I looked up to the doorway and there she was... with her beautiful smile and dazzling eyes. Was this real? Why was she here? I got up from the chair and stood beside her.

"Why are y-" I began, but she stopped me midsentence, hugging me tightly. I smiled, wrapping my arms around her protectively. So it was finally happening... I was hugging Lily! She then buried her face in my shoulder, mumbling frantically.

"I- I thought it was you, I thought you were the one in the hospital... your mom told me you were here and I was so worried I came to see you and now I'm so glad that you're safe and this is all just amazing I just... oh I'm so glad you're okay," she whispered. I wrapped my arms around her tighter.

"I'm alright Lily, my brother just broke his leg while playing soccer... he should be fine. I told mom to go home because she's been here crying all night when there isn't really much to worry about. Thank you for coming Lily," I looked into her beautiful blue eyes, falling in love with her all over again.

"Jack... I'm so sorry," she pulled away from me a bit.

"What do you have to be sorry for? I'm glad that you came, I-"

She interrupted me, "No, not about that... about the way I've been treating you these past few days. I didn't even know you were the one who wrote the letter... and now I feel so stupid, I'm sorry," she began to cry.

"It's alright Lily..."

"No, it's not alright... you deserve someone better than me," she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Lily..." I took her face in my hands, staring her straight in the eyes, "there is no one better than you," I whispered. She gasped and smiled, leaning into me again.

"Now... let's turn that frown around," I said while wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"I lov-" I was cut off again, but not by a hug this time, something even better. A kiss. It felt like nothing else before... I don't think there had ever been a kiss more passionate than ours. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist, pulling her closer to me. My heart fluttered with excitement. Our hearts had finally found each other and filled the holes that were missing, it felt like putting in the last piece to a puzzle. As if you couldn't find that last piece for years, but you finally did... under the couch just waiting to be found. And now that piece has fulfilled its destiny, completing the puzzle. 

I forgot about everything else around me until a scream woke me up from my thoughts.

"EWWWWWWWWW!" I hear my little brother yell. 

Lily and I pull away, looking at each other embarrassed. Then we both double over laughing. And in that moment... I knew we would last a long time. 

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