Chapter 23-Werewolf

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After that conversation no one talked to each other anymore, we made our way to the end of the tunnel quietly. Crookshanks first darted out of the tunnel, his paws pressed against the trunk for support. Lupin, Pettigrew and Ron climbed out of the tunnel without waking any branches of the Whomping Willow.

We let Severus's drifting body go out of the trunk first, as Black stepped to the side of the way for me, Harry and Hermione pass first. And at last, all of us was already out from the tunnel.

The grounds were now pitch black. The only light that can be seen was the distant light source coming from the windows of the castle. Without a word we set off, Pettigrew was still occasionally whimpering and wheezing.

"Ah - 'ow 'ill Cissy 'ink a'out 'his -" whimpered Pettigrew looking at Professor Lupin, as I furrowed my eyebrows at him. Professor Lupin stopped dead on his tracks, making everyone stop as well.

"What did you just say?" asked Black, glaring at him.

"He said, what will Cissy think about this," explained Hermione, as I saw Black look over at Professor Lupin.

"Who's Cissy?" I asked, looking at Black to Professor Lupin and to Pettigrew.

Professor Lupin's face has a very black aura in it, as he stood still on his track.

"Moony -"

"One wrong move, Peter," said Professor Lupin threatening Pettigrew, pointing his wand at him. I looked over at Harry and Hermione as they looked as confused as I was.

We then continued walking towards the castle without saying any word as we saw the light from the windows grew larger as we got nearer. Severus was still weirdly hovering in the air, and then -

A cloud moved in the sky, revealing the moon as there were dim light over the ground. I looked up in the sky as my eyes widened, and looked over Professor Lupin.

Severus's hovering body then bumped into Professor Lupin, Pettigrew and Ron as the three of them stopped. Black froze. He flung his arms to make me, Harry and Hermione stop.

"Oh my -" gasped Hermione, putting a hand over her mouth.

"He forgot his potion," I muttered, as my eyes widened.

"Run," Black whispered. "Run, Now!"

"We can't! Ron's chained to Professor Lupin and Pettigrew!" I said, whiles I saw Professor Lupin's shadow transform into a very weird shape, in fact nonhuman like.

"But -" I begun as I reached my hand out, within seconds Professor Lupin's hands pushed mine away from him as I felt shark pain on my hand. "Ah!"

I put my, now, scratched hand close to my chest. I looked down at my hand and saw that it was bleeding a little bit, the scratches were very thin. I know I won't become a werewolf since Professor Lupin isn't fully transformed yet, but I know that this will leave a mark or a scar.

"Leave it to me - RUN!"

There was a terrible loud snarling noise. Professor Lupin's head was lengthening, and so was his whole body. His shoulders shot upwards. Hairs was sprouting visibly on his face and hands, which was turning into clawed paws as I saw his eyes turn into a different color. Crookshanks's hair went upwards as he started backing away.

The werewolf roared, snapping it's long jaw, Sirius had disappeared from Harry's side. He had transformed. The black monstrous dog was now back and bounded forward towards the werewolf. The two were locked jaw to jaw, claws ripping at each other.

Harry and I transfixed on our tracks as we watched the sight of the werewolf and the black dog rip each other. But, because of Hermione's loud scream we got alerted and shot our heads towards her -

The Half-Blood Princess // Draco Malfoy x Reader (YEAR THREE)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant