Chapter One || 1

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Jolene Bell

I focus. So much so that my eyes go out of said focus and I'm seeing two of the carburetor laying out before me. I wipe my newly stained hands on my overalls and scoot away from the object of my double vision. My dad looks down at me, his lips wrapped around a small toothpick.

For the past three days, we've been under the hood of a 1969 Ford Mustang Coupe, trying to figure out the reason why Mr. Dawson brought it in in the first place. It's a beautiful cherry red and in almost perfect condition. Besides the little clicking sound it makes when you go to start it.

"I swear, it's right in front of my eyes." I huff, turning to look up at my dad. "If you know what's wrong, you seriously need to tell me. Because I will kill you if you've known all along while I've had my head shoved up my ass."

"Language, Jo." He warns while wearing a playful smile on his lips. "You wanted this project, so I gave it to you."

"I'm two seconds away from pulling my hair out."

He chuckles, turning around to welcome a new customer. I stand from my knees and walk into the office where Ms. Thompson is waiting with her two kids while her mini van gets an oil change. She sets down a small girl who runs past me and to our small box filled with children's toys. Her boy sits far away, taping away on his game boy. I had no idea those things still existed.

"Would you care for some coffee?" I inquire, walking over to the freshly brewed batch siting next to our other foods and beverages. It was my idea to actually get chairs instead of plastic ones and stock the empty counter tops with food. They're waiting for their vehicles, not sitting in a jail cell.

She nods, her soft pink skirt falling to her ankles as she stands up. "How's the car coming along?"

"It's just about done, Logan is quick with stuff like that." I nod and her eyes light up.

Ah, turns out another female has a crush on Logan Walker. My dads best friend and co-owner of M&L's Automotive Shop. M standing for Michael, as in my dad.

"You know, if you want his number—"

"Oh no!" She laughs, flushed. "I couldn't possibly."

"He's single..." I sing song, pouring her a cup of decaf. Her usual.

Once again she shakes her head, "maybe another time."

"I'll have it set and ready."

We both laugh as the bell above the door jingles and in walks Logan himself. His hands are dirty with oil and his hair is tucked behind his ears. His eyes never leave Ms. Thompson.

I take that as my cue to step out and join my dad who at this point, seems angry. Cautiously, I tap his shoulder. He flips around, dark eyes, and a frown molded onto his lips.

"Guess who just strolled in?" He laughs deeply, "you'll never believe it."

"Who?" I say slowly while my brain is screaming abort!

"Steve Moore's boy."

Stupidly and carelessly, I glance past him and stare into the eyes of a boy who sends my insides running for the hills.

"How's he—isn't his dad—what?" I stutter, trying to tear my eyes away from his beautiful green ones.

"Trouble just rolled into town," my dad mumbles. "And why'd it have to be in a 1957 Ford Thunderbird?"


- here's a sneak peek to my upcoming novel. i made the boy extra bad and the girl extra...everything. i hope you can enjoy my rendition of my favorite classic, romeo and juliet. have a good day and remember, always keep reading. - J

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