The Popular... And The Unpopular

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Highschool AU

Signe is one of the most popular people in your highschool. You? Not so much. Especially after everyone found out you were queer.

Warning: Bullying & Homophobia {lots of homophobia}


I sighed as I trudged my way through the halls of the crowded school. I was used to getting odd looks as I walked past people. You see, I was the only person to come out as queer in my entire school. People around where I live don't take well to stuff like this. I don't know why, they just don't. So, they did the only things they knew how to do about it. They either ignored or made fun of me. But that was okay with me. I'd rather have myself be happy than listen to those assholes' words. Anyway, that was the bad part about school. The good part is that I get to see her everyday. Signe Hansen.

She was one of the most popular girls in the school. The thing is, she didn't act like she was popular. You know, the whole I'm better than you attitude. No, she was probably one of the sweetest people I'd ever seen. Her and I never really talked much though. I mean, we've had a few small conversations, but that's about it. That didn't stop me from admiring her. Hell, I'll even admit that I have a crush on her. But, so does almost every guy in this school.

I finally reached the door of my next class, math. Before I could even reach out to open it, the door was flung open. Right into my face. Great. I fell backwards onto the floor and stopped myself from glaring at whoever did it. Instead, I looked up. As I did, my eyes widened.

"Ah! Are you alright??! I'm so sorry!" Signe said as she helped me up. It took a moment before my brain started to function again and I could actually speak.

"Uh... It's totally fine... I'm alright..." I said rather awkwardly.

"Are you sure..? I really smacked you with that door..." She said. I saw her eyes scanning over my face a few times before they actually made full eye contact.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine. I promise." I said, giving her a small smile. She smiled at me, then she stared for a moment.

"Wait, you're (Y/n), right?" She asked, almost in surprise. I nodded, my face showing confusion.

"I didn't know you even had this class with me.." She said, almost sounding upset that she forgot me.

"Yeah... We've had this class together for a while.." I said, slightly shrugging my shoulders.  We both sat in silence and stared at each other for a moment before I spoke.

"Well... We should be getting into class..." I said, she blinked a couple times as if coming out of a trance.

"Oh, uh, yeah... We should.."

She held open the door for me and I walked to my normal seat in the back of the class. I saw her furrow her eyebrows and she stared off for a moment. She looked like she was trying to make up her mind about something. She silently nodded to herself and went over to her desk in the front of the class. She grabbed her books and other things and started walking toward the back of the room where I was sitting. My eyes widened in confusion. I looked and saw that her friends were also very confused about what she was doing. She sat to the right of me in one of the many open desks surrounding me. She turned her head and smiled at me. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Uhh... Hi...? What, uh... What are you doing back here..?" I asked, still completely shocked that she would even sit next to me. The chick the whole school hates.

"You said we've had this class together for a while. I feel bad for hardly noticing you... And I wanted to make sure you weren't lonely, cause you probably always are and- I'm rambling, aren't I?" She said as a small blush spread across her cheeks. I stared at her for a second.

Sunshine {Wiishu x Fem! Reader Oneshots}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα