"Make sure you look nice, all right? Wouldn't want to disgrace our family name now, would we?" her mother called after her.

Simply nodding her head to let her mother know that she understood, Ana turned around and headed back upstairs. Stripping off her school clothes, she stepped into the shower and turned the water to a scalding temperature, throwing back her head and running her hands through her hair.

After standing under the continuous stream of hot water for what felt like an eternity but was probably only a few minutes, she got out and dried off. Reaching over to her bed for the satiny-smooth dress, she carefully slipped it on, making sure her wet hair was out of the way. Ana had gone through the ritual so many times that she knew the exact plan of her preparation.

Number one: Pick out outfit

Number two: Shower

Number three: Dress

Number four: Fix hair

Number five: Finish off look with makeup

Heading to step four, she started to style her hair, simply straightening it, giving her a sleek, sexy look, which was exactly what she needed to pull off the badass look she was going for. Taking a gold shimmer powder, she sprayed some onto her arms and over her hair, dabbing some over her smoky eyeshadow to match the dress.

Swinging her keys around her finger, she headed over to the garage, pausing at the entrance, and swapping her own car keys for another pair, leading to a new Lamborghini that was also hers. Usually she wouldn't drive this flashy of a car, well, anywhere, but she felt that to be getting out of her modest little Beetle in a dress like hers would not give off the best impression.

Her mother watched from the doorway, nodding in approval at her choice. "Good, take the Lamborghini, it makes a better impression."

Nodding wordlessly, Ana slipped into the car, and inserted the keys into the ignition. The cool, dark interior with tinted windows gave Ana the perfect vantage to observe others, yet remain hidden. Driving quickly to Jake's house, she heard the party before she saw it.

Classy strobe lights were lighting up the back of the house, and a thumping bass beat could be heard from a street away. Not that there were any neighbors remotely close to Jake's house anyways. Pulling up to the driveway leading to his house, Ana slowly rolled down the window and showed the security guard her invite card. He nodded and waved her in.

"Ana!" Jake ran out of the house as soon as she parked. "Nice car," he hummed appreciatively, "why don't you drive this one to school?"

"And show off the fact that I'm wealthy?" Ana laughed.

"Well, why not? You are though, and that's a part of you," he argued.

"I don't like bragging to people about how fortunate I am, alright? Especially in front of others who might not be quite as lucky as us," Ana muttered the last part under her breath.

Jake watched her, a strange look in his eyes. "You really are different, aren't you?" he laughed softly.

Ana looked up at him and shrugged. "Maybe I am. What's so wrong about that?"

"Nothing, it's just there's not many like you out there. I guess I'm just impressed," he replied easily, smiling.

"Jake Merrick, impressed? That's a new one," she rolled her eyes.

Before he could reply though, a girl launched herself at him, her dyed blonde hair flying everywhere and her skimpy dress barely covering anything. Not that there was really anything important to cover in the first place. "Jakey, I've been looking for you all night!" she whined.

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