"You are coming to my game on Thursday night right? It's the first one of the season." Calum whispered still copying down the sentence.

"I work until 5:30. What time is the game?" I whispered back to Calum.

"6 so no excuses Hemmings, you'll be there." calum said a little louder earning a shush from the teacher. I covered my mouth so I didn't laugh and Calum shot me a death glare.

The rest of the day went a little smoother than the morning and my headache was finally going away. I still had no ride to work which meant I'll probably be taking the bus. I headed out across the courtyard but stopped when I heard someone calling my name.

"Luke!" Ashton's voice called and I turned around to wait for him to catch up.

"Where ya going in such a hurry?" Ashton asked, a little out of breath. He had a smile on his face and looked somewhat happy that he caught up to me.

"I have to be to work in ten minutes." I began to panic and walk a little faster, leaving Ashton behind.

"Where do you work? I could give you a ride." He offered and I quickly skimmed over the pros and cons of this situation.

"The movie theater." I said and stopped walking.

"I work at the video store just down the road, come on I'll give you a ride." He said and began to walk to his truck. I sighed and followed him, climbing in the passenger seat.

He flipped on the radio and scanned all the stations until he found a song he liked. Ashton was tapping his fingers along to the beat and humming softly. He had the windows rolled down with the wind whipping through the cab of his truck.

"So how was your day Luke? Did your hangover wear off yet?" Ashton asked as we were almost to the theater.

"How'd you know I had a hangover?" I snapped a little too harshly.

"After as much as you drank yesterday it was almost inevitable." He shrugged.

"Big word there Ashton." I muttered. I don't know why I felt so angry towards Ashton all of a sudden. Maybe because he just kept popping up every where in my life. He had gotten me drunk twice and grounded for a long time. Yeah I did have a crush on him but he was a bad influence on me and I needed to focus.

"I'm just trying to be a friend here Luke." He said and stopped the car. I grabbed up my backpack and climbed out of his truck.

"Well maybe I don't need such a helpful friend." I said and slammed the door. I felt angry now and I had no clue why.

I just couldn't get wrapped up in Ashton because it could get me in trouble. But the bad thing was, I wanted him around. Ugh this is ridiculous but I can't think about it now I have to work. I entered the theater as I heard Ashton's car speeding off.


"So you just snapped at him?" Calum was sitting on a stool across the counter. It was late on a Tuesday and there was hardly any one in the theater. Calum was my ride home and I was cleaning up to leave.

"Yeah, I just got so angry because he was being so helpful but keeps getting me in trouble." I admitted and took off my name tag. Calum just shrugged at me.

After soccer finished up Cal came to hang out with me like he usually does. My shift ended at 9 and I had three minutes left. I told my coworker I was leaving and went to the back to grab my things. I changed out of my work shirt and into my sweater again before heading off to Calum.

We drove in his car and he cut the engine in my driveway. I could tell he had something to say so I waited for a second in the car.

"Please don't get mad at me Luke," he said and I felt my heart start beating fast. "But i think you need to stop shutting everyone out." He said and I felt tears boil up inside. Don't cry Luke, don't cry.


"Just hear me out okay? Your dad was an amazing guy and he loved you so much, but he'd hate to see you like this Luke." Calum said and I couldn't hold my tears back anymore.

"You don't understand Cal." I sobbed.

"I do understand Luke, I do! You have to know that your dad would want you to be happy and I think you should be!" Calum was raising his voice, not on purpose but he knew it would make me listen.

"I don't know how to be happy anymore Cal!" I yelled back.

"Well start by not pushing Ashton away before you get to know him!" Calum shouted and he looked shocked by his own words.

"W-what?" I stammered.

"I feel like he could make you happy Luke, I really do." He said a lot softer now.

"We are just so different." I said trying to convince one of us.

"But opposites attract Luke. Give it a chance please." Calum said and I reached for the door.

"Thanks for the ride Cal, I'll see you tomorrow." I climbed from the car and hurried up to my front door.

I took the stairs two at a time up to my room and sunk to the floor in a heap. I grabbed my phone and pressed Ashton's contact.

"Luke?" His voice answered on the second ring.

"Ashton can you come over?" I asked.

"Now?" Ashton asked and I heard shuffling on the other end.

"Yes, I'm leaving the window open." I said and hung up the phone. I had no idea what I wanted but I knew I needed Ashton right now. I needed him to stay.


This chapter is awful :/

I'm thinking an update tomorrow or Sunday :)

Stay tuned

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