fifteen ➳ real life

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nick continued to giggle at absolutely nothing, no longer sure if his eyes were red from crying or from what he had been smoking. "is it weird that i can taste the color blue?" nick asked.

"that's a sign you should probably get some sleep, nick." brandon said with an exhausted sigh. he had been dealing with nick acting like this all night ever since he had taken him home.

nick was a walking emotional train wreck. his mood would be up to the ceiling and then down into the depths of hell. being high obviously didn't help this at all. it only made him numb.

"but sleep is lame." he whined.

the only difference of nick being like this was he got whiney, clingy, and giggly. he was in good control of what he was doing, at least his mind was still with him.

"sleep helps, bub." brandon insisted.

the two were sitting on the rug in nick's living room. it was past two am, both running on little-to-no sleep. neither seemed really tired.

nick shrugged. "you're really cute, you know that?" he questioned as he rested his head on brandon's lap, looking up at him. he felt brandon's fingers intertwine with his hair, making a smile find it's way onto his face. it was something so simple but so calming. it helped put him at ease.

"don't say things you don't mean. you're high, nick. you won't remember anything you say."

"but, i will. i've worked when high and was absolutely fine. it's not like i'm drunk." he argued.

"whatever you say."

groaning, nick said, "you're seriously really pretty right now. the way your hair is curling slightly and the little twinkle in your fucking beautiful blue eyes, and how you're trying to hide a smile as i'm saying all of this." he sat up, brandon now to his right. he looked closer at him. "you're blushing. why?"

"well, you just went on a rant about me, not quite sure how else i'd react to that. i can't tell if weed makes you really flirty, a pathological liar, or make you speak your mind." brandon thought out loud.

nick sat thinking for a moment. "keiynan always told me it makes me speak my mind and have no filter. i've said really weird shit to him before so i can see why he'd think that."

"how come you don't really talk to kieynan anymore?"

"i have you now. and at least you don't see me as a boy who's questioning everything about life. you see me as me and not who i've been on screen. you actually care and don't force me to come out. keiynan is skeptical about me being gay and constantly gives me 'coming out' pep talks. i hate lying to him."

"i get what you mean."


"hm?" he hummed in response.

"thank you for staying with me tonight. i'm scared of what i would have done if you hadn't stayed."

"i'm always going to stay when you need me. it's what friends do."

nick frowned. "'friends.'" he repeated.


"you're too fucking oblivious." he blurted.

"what are you going on about?"

"you!" nick insisted. "i've tried giving off signals ever since we met. but i've learned through the month we've known each other, that you're more than a pretty face. you're such a fucking amazing, kind, caring, loving person. and i wish you'd stop. i don't want to feel like this."

brandon sat up, now facing nick. "feel like what?" he asked, now interested in what nick was saying. he was no longer giggling or acting weird. brandon could see the real nick coming back, along with the emotions.

"i don't want to feel like someone actually loves me, and not the fake version of me." he mumbled. "i don't want to feel like i love someone."

"i don't understand what you're saying. that's literally what a decent friend does."

nick groaned again. "you don't get it!" he exclaimed, taking brandon aback from the sudden outburst. "i love you, b."

"i love you too. are you feeling alright?" brandon asked.

"you're still not getting it."

brandon came to a realization of what nick was implying, but didn't want to jump to conclusions. he could only be saying all of this because he was still somewhat high. the silence made nick wonder if brandon wasn't understanding what he said.

"i love you, brandon. and i'm really fucking scared that i'm in love with you."

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