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nick immediately regretted saying a word, tears already pooling in his eyes and falling to his navy blue hoodie.

brandon paused the movie, now sitting up. "okay, see now, this is what we're not gonna do." he stated, using his thumbs to wipe the tears that were streaming down nick's face.

"shit." nick whispered. "i'm gay!" he exclaimed, keeping his voice quiet.

"yeah, we just went over that." brandon chuckled.

nick blinked his eyes, trying not to have anymore tears fall. "i never said it out loud before. wow."

he looked at nick with a smile. "why'd you trust to tell me?"

"you understand. you get what it feels like. plus i barely know you. you tell anyone, i can deny."

"your secret's safe with me."

"y'know what's sad?"


nick leaned against brandon's shoulder again. "if i ever get a boyfriend, i have to keep it a secret. i wouldn't want to be hired for anymore acting jobs because i'd lose my fanbase. i don't even care about the fanbase."

"nick, be honest with me..." brandon said softly, twirling his fingers through nick's hair. both felt secure with the other there, even when they had just met that day. there was something that made it safe. "do you have feelings for keiynan?"

"i used to." he admitted. "but, keiynan likes hunter and that's okay. i'm over him. feelings ruin friendships. can we promise nothing will ruin ours? i know we're just now becoming friends but...i lost someone in the past..i don't want that to end up being us."

"yeah. i promise nothing will ruin the beautiful, rainbow filled friendship we will end up having." brandon joked.

brandon unpaused the movie, continuing the scene where simon had come out. "i'm glad you trusted me. it only gets better from this point. you'll come around unsupportive people, but it can only get better."

"i hope you're right." nick said with a yawn. all he remembered was closing his eyes before he completely passed out from being tired.



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tagged @therealnickrobinson

flynnagin11 this was nick's expression when katherine told him she had eaten all of the chocolate donuts. taken moments before katherine screeched "april fools!" and nick tackled her...

view all 101,784 comments...

username1 it isn't even april fools wow katherine needs to edumicated
username1 jk i love you katherine

username2 since when are brandon and nick friends?? what? in? the? gay? hell? is? this? sHit?

therealnickrobinson when-where-HOW THE FUCK
flynnagin11 @therealnickrobinson i'm a sneaky photographer ;)

keiynanlonsdale i do not approve of this new friendship. i feel replaced. blocked, reported, dELETED
therealnickrobinson @keiynanlonsdale aw aw someone is jealous :')
flynnagin11 @keiynanlonsdale calm yo ass. all nick does is talk about you, and how ugly you are

username3 ^i stan a good threeway bromance. yes.
username4 @username3 it isn't a bromance if nick and keiynan are dating
therealnickrobinson @username4 keiynan and i aren't together. i'm not gay and i'd appreciate that people would stop thinking just because kieynan and i are close and he's gay, that means we're together. he's like a brother to me and people like you make it weird.
flynnagin11 @therealnickrobinson YES FUCKING GO OFF I. STAN. A. LEGEND.
username3 all i did was say it was a threeway bromance and got noticed without getting noticed by my two faves....w h a t
therealnickrobinson @username3 consider yourself noticed babe 💘💘
flynnagin @username3 noticed part 2
keiynanlonsdale @username3 noticed part 3
username4 y'all crushed my gay heart bye i'm unstanning

katherinelangford nick punched me so hard i have a bruise on my arm. he's abusive😰

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