Chapter 1

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Ignored, confused, stupid, ugly, and suicidal. That's what I am. My name is April Faith Benli, I have "friends" but they don't pay attention to me it's like they have forgotten I exist, I describe my self as a wallpaper, always there never noticed. All I do at school is my work and at lunch I sit with my so called friends and eat if I try speaking they ignore me. Sometimes I wonder if anyone would care if I were to just one day disappear and no one would notice. I would like to disappear for a day and see if anyone cared and come back the next day.
"APRIL" I heard a voice yell "APRIL PLEASE ANSWER THE QUESTION" "what" I said with no signs of emotion "What is the square root of 160" they asked me "how would I know this" I asked "Well you would know because you come to school to learn" the teacher said I now realized it was Ms.Woolden "Yes I come to school but I'm not the teacher" I told her with a fake smile "ay pero que stupids eres!! Yo te estoy hablando pero no tú ni prestas atención!" she mumbled in a different language I couldn't understand but I could tell she was pissed. "Whatever" I mumbled not loud enough for her to hear

"OMG ITS THE FREAK" yelled one of the girls, she has blonde hair that ends at her collarbone her eyes are a soft hazel brown that look warm and inviting but really she is a rude person who will bully anyone for the stupidest reasons I was her friend in elementary school in 5th grade she promised she would never leave me and always stand
up for me, but really she did the opposite in middle school now it's high school and she's become worse.
I walked to the rooftop for the first time I opened the door and saw all the rejects of the school
"April~san you came!" Yelled a small girl her name is Elizabeth she has blue hair it's her natural hair color but because it's unusual everyone bullies her and say stop dying your hair you attention whore and stuff like that she's also Japanese so she cool with me cuz I'm Hispanic and I get the struggle of being thrown with comments like go back to your country, even though we were born here. "I told Travis you were gonna come today." Said Jennie she gets bullied everywhere she goes, at home, school,stores, restaurants, but she won't get bullied in other contraries and here up here she cuts her wrists every night she hid it for a while but someone found out and told everyone and she's known as an attention whore which is really sad, my life is nothing compared to theirs, all of their lives are 100x worse then mine even if I get beat up at home every other day.
"Come on Faith I haven't seen you since you were 2!" Said Travis my step brother, he doesn't live with me he was put up for adoption when I was 2 he's only a year older then me and he didn't get adopted he got thrown out at the age of 15 so he bought his own house and lived there he pays for it every month "Hi." I simply said while he hugged me then I couldn't breathe "I MISSED YOU LITTLE SISTER *sob* YOU'RE SO SHORT AND ADORABLE *sob* YOU'VE GROWN SO MICH AND YOU HAVE BOOBS *louder sobs* I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA BE FLAT CHESTED FOR LIFE *even louder sobs* YOU TELL ME IF A BOY LOOKS AT YOU AND I'LL BEAT THEM UP *sobbing begins to stop*" That was awkward as hell he's known to be in fights and all tough so this is a new side of him.... "you fucking weirdo" I mumbled "meanie" he yelled at me then he let go of me and I was safe from death but I kinda wish I died right there and then oh well "Lisa! Can you get the silly sting" asked Travis with a very playful tone "if you are silly stinging me again I'll beat you to the pulp and slit your throat" she glared at him "don't worry it's not you" he did a "manly" giggle "ok" she said throwing him silly string from a bag.

Thanks for reading feel free to give me feedback by commenting and voting and plz message meh I'm lonely

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