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Myoui Mina

Chaeyoung: Hey

Mina: What

Mina: Why tf r u chattin me rn? It's like 10pm you should sleep.

Chaeyoung: I can't sleep.

Mina: Why?

Chaeyoung: Because you're not beside me.

Mina: Fuck off

Chaeyoung: Meanie :<

Chaeyoung: By the way, what should I call you? Since we're like, a fake couple rn.

Chaeyoung: Baby? Babe? Bae? Honey? Sweetie? Apple pie? Candy Pop?

Chaeyoung: Babygirl? ;))))))))

Mina: First of all, ew.

Mina: That's like, gross.

Chaeyoung: What should I call you? So that people around us would think that we're together.

Mina: Just call me Minari or smthng just don't call me like those things you said. I'm not food.

Chaeyoung: Okay Minari :>

Mina: Fuck. Cute.|

Mina: So what should I call you then?

Chaeyoung: Call me Chae since Chaeyoung is long

Chaeyoung: But I prefer daddy ;)))))

Mina: Fuck yourself. I'm just going to call you daddy.

Mina: *Chae

Mina: This fucking typo.

Chaeyoung: Why do I think that it isn't a typo?

Mina: I'm not sorry to say but it's really a typo.

Mina: I'm going to sleep now. Good night.

Myoui Mina logged out.

Chaeyoung: Good night, baby girl.

Chaeyoung: *Minari

Chaeyoung: Typo ;)

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