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Note: I have done my best to research, but if anything is wrong or offensive, please comment and tell me. Other than that, I hope you enjoy :)

Orson Malfoy had always known, deep inside, that he wasn't a real boy. It didn't matter how many times anyone told him otherwise, and despite having the body of a boy, she knew.

After a play date with the children of one of his father's friends, Orson discovered the art of dressing up, and from then on, whenever he was in the house alone, he would go into the cellar and put on the wig, the dress, the heels, the lipstick. And as he stared into the mirror, he knew that this was who she really was, that this girl was him. Her name was Callisto.

Orson had struggled with the secret for years, and at Christmas, it had all come out. Everyone knew at school. Montague, who already bullied Orson for looking gay and being girly, had a field day when he discovered Orson's diary.

He had tried to explain to his parents, but his father wouldn't listen, and he'd heard them arguing in the drawing room. Lucius had treated him like furniture from then on, and Draco much the same, and it hurt. He had drifted through those months at school, lonely and bullied. Even his friend Charles, whom he'd thought would have his side throughout anything, stopped talking to him, and Draco seemed not to see him at all in the common room or at school. When he came home after his O.W.L's, he'd asked his mother if he could switch to Durmstrang, and that was when she proposed The Plan.

"I've read about it," she told him. "In muggle magazines."

Orson stared at her. "You read muggle magazines?"

"Hush. So, how about when you go back to school in September, you have a complete fresh start."

"I can't," he said miserably. "They all know me. They all laugh. They call me the tranny."

Narcissa pursed her lips, looking angry. "Do they? Well, we'll see who'll be laughing. A new name, do something with your voice....some makeup, maybe you could grow out your curls, and you'd be gorgeous, darling. What do you think?"

His lips were dry. "I think," he whispered. "I think I'd like that very much."

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