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January 1st, 2017

I replayed life up to this very point over and over in my head. And I couldn't grasp dreams and goals I had before my dad's death. It felt as if life was now just passing and I wasn't passing with it, instead, I stood at the center of it all. Watching everyone and everything pass by me in a blink of an eye. Eventually, I lost myself in the fragments that were now my chaos to go through.

"Happy New Years, Blue."

It was now a new year and I was turning twenty-two in twenty-one days.

The first year and my first birthday without my dad, lingering too closely together for my mental.

I melted hell, then drowned myself in the smoke to get closer to heaven. Who would I be, once the smoke cleared?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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