"gray, why?"

"i told you i'm not letting anyone mess with you anymore, you're mine."

"then why can't we just tell everyone that we're dating?"

"are we even dating"


"exactly, so why should we be lying to them"

"we were lying by telling them that we weren't hooking up."

fuck. he's right.

he's always right.


"so what do we tell them?"

"and what was jake talking about when he said that you said the same thing with all the other girls?"

"i WAS a fuckboy a few years ago, but not now, i swear, i lost my virginity at 12."


"i know"

"at 12 i was flying kites with my be-"

The thoughts filled back in.

Marie. My ex best friend.

Not nessecairly my "ex best friend."

She just faded away over time.

Her and i drifted, and i haven't thought about her in a while.

She was literally my everything, but once we got to middle school, she started hanging out with other people, and she moved away, so we haven't talked ever since.

I miss her so fucking much.

Grayson: talia?

I looked back up at him, realizing i had zoned out.

Talia: oh sorry, but i was very innocent when i was 12.

Grayson: i wish i was *laughs*

We sat there in silence, just cuddling.

• • •

I woke up, super early, just to get out of the house.

I walked around outside, letting my thoughts fly out.

Then i got stuck on one thought: Marie.

I haven't seen this girl in 6 years. 6 years of my life, without her. 2,190 days. 131,400 hours. (i think i got that right lmao)

Did i do something to make her leave?

She probably never thinks about me anymore.

Then i remembered, Ashley.

Ashley had her phone number, and. i had ashley's phone number. I decided to text her.

Talia: hey ashley, i don't mean to bother you, but have you talked to Marie lately?

Ashley: yeah, i was just talking to her a few hours ago, why?

Talia: i need to talk to her. i miss her so much.

Ashley: we all do

Talia: she just started hanging out with you guys and left me behind.

Ashley: here's her number *marie's number*

Talia: thank you smmm

Ashley: np

I entered the number into my phone, calling immediately. She picked up, yawning.

"who's this?"

the same exact voice i remember. it was her.

I smiled, even though she couldn't see it.

"it's- it's"

She suddenly cut me off.

"that stutter, why does it sound so familiar?"

I laughed just kicking at the dandelions on the ground.

"the laugh. TALIA?"

"it's me"

I felt myself tearing up over the phone.

I heard her start to cry, making me cry too.

Marie: i'm so sorry i just left you behind like that, i shouldn't have, i have missed you so much, i think about you every single day, and i don't even have any friends now, so i can't result on anyone besides everyone back home.

Talia: where do you live now?

Marie: Michigan

I heard and felt the loneliness in her voice.

Marie: it's so far away from cali

Talia: i have to tell you so much

Marie: i have all the time in the world

I smiled, and talked along.

• • •

Grayson: baby, where were you? i got worried.

Talia: i just took a walk around

Grayson: oh, i got lonely.

I jumped into his arms, holding on to him tight.

Grayson: you hungry?

Talia: no i'm fine

Grayson: okie dokie

Talia: do you remember Marie?

Grayson: wait... blonde hair, blue eyes, marie?

Talia: yeah..

Grayson: yeah i remember her, she moved away a while ago

Grayson: do you know why she did?

Talia: no

Grayson: her dad killed her mom and raped Marie.

Talia: wait what?

Grayson: yeah, and her dad still has full custody of     her.

Talia: how did i not know about this? p

Grayson: i was a good friend of hers, and she didn't wanna everyone knowing, so she just told me.

Grayson: but please don't tell everyone. i understand you guys were like best friends or whatever

Talia: i miss her.

Grayson: i miss her too.

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