-talia's pov -

I walked into school, listening to music.

All the boys, looking at me.

I was wearing a shoulder-less shirt and some jean shorts, so i don't understand what the deal was.

I walked to class, just jamming out to p!atd.

Everyone sat down, and the teacher shut the door.

Teacher: okay class, we are doing a new project, and i assigned you with partners.

I hate having partners, i'm always left to do the work by myself.

The teacher started calling off names.

Teacher: Talia, you're with Grayson.

I look at her, being confused but on the edge of mad.

Talia: sorry... what?

Teacher: you're with grayson

Talia: *whispering* oh fuck

I looked over at grayson, who was looking at me with a smirk, knowing that we wouldn't be working on a project.

I've known this kid since 3rd grade, and he's been a troublemaker ever since.

Talia: why him?

Teacher: i'm not switching partners, if you don't work well together; you fail.

Everyone in the class was shocked.

Teacher: feel free to take this time to work on the project

I groaned, grabbing all the papers for the project.

"so, we're partners"

I turn around, seeing grayson which startled me.

Talia: sadly, yes

Grayson: i wouldn't say that if i were you

Grayson knew what kind of affect he had on girls. He could take advantage of anyone at anytime. Him and i have never had a thing, but he's definitely looking toward one.

Talia: okay whatever, what are we even supposed to do?

Grayson: you're asking me? i hardly pay attention in class, we've been in the same class for 9 years, you should know better.

Talia: welp, i guess we'll just go with the flow.

Grayson: let me see the packet

I handed him it. He looked it over, laughing.

Grayson: this is easy.

Grayson: you can come to my place tonight so we can work on it together

I knew he was gonna just try to get in my pants, and he would bribe me somehow, but that won't work, i'm different.

• • •

I walked to Grayson's house, knocking on the door. He opened it up, looking me up and down.

Grayson: come in, my parents aren't home.

I walked in, looking around.

Talia: nice place

Grayson: my room's up here

I followed him up the stairs, walking into the room. He shut the door, quietly locking it.

Grayson: so talia, do you really wanna do this work?

Talia: i mean, i don't wanna get a bad grade

Grayson: *chuckles* we can have some fun, and just put this to the side.

Talia: i'm not one of your little sluts, grayson. you're not tricking me. now come on, let's get to work

Grayson sat down next to me, looking at the paper.

Grayson: set a stopwatch on your phone. if i finish this whole packet in under 2 and a half minutes, we get to do what i want, and if i don't, your choice

he's dumber than a box of spaghetti noodles. this bet is easily gonna be won.. by me.

Talia: deal

I got out the stopwatch.





Grayson sat there, taking his time with everything.

Grayson: done.

i paused the timer and looked through the packet, noticing all of it was done.

I looked at the timer.


what? how?

Talia: w-what!

Grayson: i'm not that stupid, talia

Grayson: don't underestimate me.

A smirk grew on his face.

Talia: this is wrong

Grayson: that's the point

Talia: but-

Grayson put his finger on my lips, smiling devilishly.

Grayson: shh babygirl, it'll be just fine.

He dragged his finger down my lips, taking his hand to my face, and getting on top of me, passionately.

He silenced me with a kiss, which turned into a makeout. He started kissing up on my jawline, down to my neck. He stripped me down to only my bra and thong. He left hickeys all up and down my body.

He got to my legs, kissing up my thighs. I threw my head back in pleasure, not knowing how to react to this.

"i'll try to go easy on you"

by the tone of his voice, i could tell he was lying.

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