“Yes, I'm afraid it does.”

“Two months.”

“Oh, that's bullshit,” Foster says laughing before noticing Waterbird’s expression. “It's not?” Her eyes go to you and then the Moretti's. “Since when does fuck boy settle down?”

“Hey! Don't call him that!” Waterbird states making Foster look at her funny.

“You know he slept with their youngest brother's ex-girlfriend while they were together, right?”

“Who slept with my ex?” Marco asks as he joins the conversation. “Apart from everyone apart from me.” The husky at his side bounds up to Hay who fusses her.

“Riko,” Moretti junior one says from the doorway making Hay startle and stand up.

Marco looks at his eldest sister and shrugs. “Still decked him pretty good for that. Why are we talking about that anyway?”

“Riko has been with Chantara for two months.”

“Now that is bullshit. What have you smoked this morning?” Marco looks at the raised eyebrow his sister sports. “Oh, that's right. A vapour of any kind melts you, doesn't it?”

“I don't need your sarcasm when we have an emergency which is why I pulled you away from Luke, Chiara away from Sea, Alessandro from loneliness and Riko from his mate.”

“As if Riko has a fucking soulmate.” Moretti junior one's eyes go to Waterbird who is looking very put out making Marco look at Waterbird surprised. “Oh, fuck me sideways.”

“Luke's job,” Moretti junior three says from beside his elder sister. The mild concern is on his features as he takes in Waterbird’s face. “What the hell have you guys said?” He goes over to Waterbird, bringing her into his arms gently.

“That you fuck anything you can,” Waterbird mumbles.

“The truth,” you state making him look back at you rather than his soulmate with his fox eyes showing. “Which you should have done in the first place if you sent her to talk to me about the agency already knowing that she is Hay's cousin.” Your eyes go to Foster who is looking baffled, so you miss a signal of some kind that makes the others enter the building.

“You two can still get in,” Moretti junior four says as she passes you.

The door shuts leaving you two alone. “What's a soulmate?” Foster asks curiously.

“There's the only person that someone can love in their entirety. Some people have more than one if something is likely to happen to the other,” you explain.

“Do you all have someone?”

“Chiara has Sea, Marco has Luke, Riko has Chantara, Vanessa has Gabby and Alessandro hasn't come across his yet, he's still out there.”

“What are you? I know you aren't human to survive as you did in the cold yesterday.”

You scratch your head awkwardly. “I'm not a shifter like the Moretti's, Hay or Chantara. Although I share a likeness with Chantara.”

“What likeness is that?”

“Element manipulation. It keeps my body temperature slightly higher but not enough to put me in danger.”

“Does that mean that you have a soulmate too?”

Your head tilts slightly wondering why Foster had become so curious about the subject. “Yes.”

Foster seems to deflate slightly. “Have you found them?”

“Yes, I have.” You neglect to add that you've never been able to do anything about it as you met Lyra at the Agency who don't allow the agents to have a relationship which makes what Chantara and Riko have a sackable offence. They were lucky that Moretti junior is looking after the Agency for a couple of weeks while Moretti is on holiday.

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