Hit me

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I storm down the stairs of Rob's house, trying to get away from all the laughter. Carl was joking about me to the other guys and I just wanted to punch his face.

The laughing stops and I practically fall down the stairs from rushing to get away. I grab my bag and say bye to Ron's mom.

Maggie sees me walking down the street alone and runs over.

"Hey Y/n, what's up"? She asks, walking beside me. I sigh and look at her.

"Carl's annoying me, I just wanted to get away from them for a bit". She smiles.

"I get it, there boys and you have to get used to that. Anyway hope you feel better later, bye hun". I wave bye and look at me and Carl's shared house.

I walk in and throw my bag on the couch. I walk into the kitchen and start to make Dinner, Carl should be home any minute.

I hear the front door close and Carl enters the kitchen, beaming from ear to ear. I sigh and pour soup into the bowls.

"Hey, what's wrong"? He asks. I shrug and continue what im doing.

"Is it what I said earlier"? I ignore him and place the bowls on the table. He sits down as I do and picks up his spoon, only to put it back down again.

"Im sorry, I didn't mean to make you mad or anything". I shake my head.

"You didn't make me mad, im fine". I say, not taking my gaze off my spoon. He sighs.

"Your not fine". He mutters.

When we finish eating I grab my bag and head upstairs. I change into a tight black tanktop and tight white jeans.

Carl's comes in as im zipping up my pants and smiles.

"Your beautiful". He says, attempting makeing me feel better. I shrug and grab my Jean jacket, pulling it on.

"Are you going to Ron's tonight? He said Jesse will be out with your Dad and Sam's gone with some random kid. Ron said he's having a little party there". Carl nods.

"So your going"? He asks. I nod in response and grab my purse. He follows me downstairs and outside. I guess he's not changeing.

"So why are you mad at me"? He asks, causing me to get more irritated.

"Im not mad". He scoffs and shoves his hands in his pockets.

"Your mad. Im sorry for what i said".

"I don't care about that". I reply, a little to quickly. He smiles.

"Yes you do, I didn't mean anything by it, they dared me to do it". I look at him.

"They dared you to lick Enids face? And say she tasted like sugar"? He nods his head. I roll my eyes and look away from him.

"You should hit me, it will get your anger out".

"Im not going to hit you". He pokes me.

"C'mon hit me"!


"Hit me, hit me, hit me, hit me"! I turn to him and swing my right fist at his face, hitting him straight in the jaw.

He groans in pain and holds the side of his face. I imeadetly feel guilty and apologize.

"Im sorry, you were just annoying and i-i knew if I didn't-". He smiles and pulls his hand away.

"You have a hard punch, I'll give you that. But I know I told you to do it. Are you better now"? He asks, trying to look cuter which is impossible.

"Not yet". I lean in and kiss his lips. He kisses back. He smiles when we pull away.

"So you wanna ditch the party and have our own at our place"? He asks. I laugh and kiss his lips quickly.

"Yes I do".

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