Lucy Meets The Thunder Legion!

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"Help!" I wail, panting while the bandits chase after me. The first day and a half  I thought it was a good idea to run away from home.. Now I'm not so sure.

"No one will help you princess" One of the middle aged bandits laughed as they hadn't broken a sweat yet.

If they hadn't of stolen my keys I could've summoned Taurus. But I wasn't paying attention.

As I ran, I started to see a clearing in the woods, a town in it. There is a trail that I just noticed and it leads to the mysterious place.

I push my legs harder because there will be hope soon. Relief for me, like back-up.

I enter the town and rush past the townspeople, who are gasping and calling for help.

"Help me please! These men are bandits and they're chasing me! They have my celestial keys!" I scream louder, tears rushing down my face.

I see a large building that has a banner strewn across it with an odd looking symbol drawn on. Hopefully that's help!

A man from town catches up to a bandit but before he can help, my key thief blasts him away with black magic.

I push the humongous doors out of the way and scream once more "Help me please! They stole my keys and are trying to kill me!"

"Ice Make: Lance!" A raven haired boy shouts, having ice shoot from his hand in the shape of a lance. It takes out most of the 5 bandits. My key holder and another man are still standing. Casting evil spells here and there.

A lady with white hair rushes to me, leading me to behind of what looks like a bar. "Hello Ma'm, my name is Mirajane. What's your name?"

"I'm Lucy H-, I'm Lucy! I'm a celestial wizard but one of those "ogres" stole my keys!" I explain, crouching down. She nods with wide eyes. I then peek over to the bar to see a pink haired boy shout "Fire Dragon Roar!" While he cups his hands around his mouth and breathes a blast of fire.

Then they're all out, laying on the floor, butts up. I stand up and smile.

"Thank you so much! They started chasing me, and I thought this place looked safe." I said sheepishly.

"Hey, it's no problem!" The pink haired boy yelled, "We love helping people!"

"Yeah," Shrugged the raven haired boy. He looked bored.

"Ugh," grunts a boy with blonde hair, a large jacket that looked like it hung from his shoulders, and a scar that looked like a lightning bolt went across one of his eyes.

"Just asking though, who the hell are you?" A huge man that looks like Mirajane asks.

"I'm Lucy. I was running through the woods and those bandits starting chasing me." I explained with a smile.

"Why were you running through the woods?" A girl with a barrel of wine at her side asked.

"I uh, um.. so.. I was running because.. I got separated from my parents during a trip." I said in a small voice.

"Oh ok!" The pink haired boy yelled, walking up to the bar.

"Hey, introduce yourself!" A man yelled from the crowd.

"I'm Lucy, a celestial wizard. I got separated from my parents during a trip and I ended up here because of the bandits." I explained with a smile.

"I'm Natsu, and that's Ice Princess over there. The drunk one is Cana, that metal head is Gajeel, theres a nerd named Levy, and Master Markarov." The pink haired, now known as Natsu, smiled.

"Hey Flame-Brain? You tryin to start something?" Ice Princess shouted, now in only his underwear.

"Gray, your clothes." Laughed Cana, taking another swig of her wine.

"Oh crap!" He exclaims, somehow changing back into his clothes.

"You to shut up and introduce me to this mature looking lady." Boomed a girl with scarlet hair, suddenly walking into the building.

Natsu and Gray shrieked and started acting like best buddies, smiling ear to ear.

"I'm Lucy, a celestial wizard. I was chased here by bandits. May I ask where I am?" I say timidly.

"Welcome Lucy. I'm Erza and this place is Fairy Tail." She said proudly.

"Wait.. FairyTail the popular wizarding guild in Magnolia?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"Yep, the one and only!" Mira smiled.

"Ugh, this buddy buddy stuff is suffocating us! Can we have a time to speak to the new member?" A girl sighed. She had auburn hair, hazel eyes, square-ish glasses, pointed features, and wore a green and purple dress.

"Now Evergreen, you could have worded that in a nicer way." A man with long green hair said, like he was scolding her.

"We don't do nice, Freed." A man with a helmet covering half his face laughed.

"Whatever Bickslow." The girl rolled her eyes. "Come over here blondie!"

I slowly walked over to their bench and stood at the end. "Hello! I'm Lucy."

"Hello Lucy. I am Freed, that is Evergreen, Bickslow, and Laxus." Freed sighs, writing down something with a sword, it looks like an enchantment. "I have boxed you in with an enchantment."

"What? Are you crazy?! I just got here and you're trapping me? Is this some sick joke?" I exclaim, flustered. Evergreen has a glint of guilt in her eyes but it quickly goes away as she rolls her eye. 

"Chill Blondie, this is the Thunder Legion 'welcome'. Freed tests your loyalty and honesty." Laxus grumbled. 

"You're a blonde too, ya know?" I grunt under my breath. 

"Did I forget to tell you that this is an enchantment where it enhances our hearing of your voice and decreases the others, so they can't hear you but we can.. No matter what. Oh, and you also HAVE to tell the truth, if you don't you get hurt." Freed explains. Laxus smirks, looking at me. 

"Can I ask the first question?" Evergreen begs.

"Fine." Smiled Freed. 

"Ok, why did you only tell us your first name?" Evergreen asks, holding her hands in her lap. 

"Well uh, um.." I hesitate, hoping that the hurt part is a bluff. It's not. A lightning bolt stabs at my ankle and it sends a shock up my back. I fall to my knees, clutching me ankle. 

"Come on blondie, tell us." Prompts Bickslow. 

"Because if they knew, they'd send me back home. I wasn't on a mission with my parents. Those bandits did chase me, but I was on my own." I manage. 

"Well what's your last name?" Laxus asks, suddenly looking intrigued.

" I am Lucy -- Lucy Heartfilia." I say weakly. 

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