Double The Choice

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skylar's p.o.v

we left the room after the check up, with a surprise this time we have two milkshakes."so what did the doctor say".kaz said excited."well were having a boy".i said."ha".bree said in victory."and a girl".chase added."ha".oliver teased."wait what".bree and oliver both said."were having twins".i announced."awe that's great".bree said as she hugged me and chase."well pay up".kaz said putting his hands out."what do you mean we all kinda lost".oliver said what everyone was thinking. "yeah you guys lost i didn't vote which means i won".he happily stated."you tricked us".i said."no you tricked yourselves don't hate the player hate the game".he smiled. we all pulled out 20 bucks and gave it to him."80 bucks".kaz nodded his head obviously pleased with himself.

as we started to leave davenport pulled me and chase to the side. "okay guys when this was one kid,i mean milkshake, it was bad enough but now two i don't know what to do with them but don't worry i will take care of it".davenport advised. i don't like the way he said take care of it. But i don't have a choice yet again maybe i do. i can't worry about this.i can't worry about these milkshakes.i don't need them. the sad thing is that i know that at the very bottom of my heart i know what am thinking isn't right and it nodded and forced a weak smile.for some reason i couldn't stop thinking about the heart beats we heard in there.those are my children. i mean milkshakes

bree's p.o.v

am going to an aunt of two,woho! well am going to be an aunt but my niece and nephew will never pains me to even think about it.we came back from the hospitable a couple of hours ago. skylar and i are suppose to go shopping in a couple of minutes. finally she came back from the bathroom.but with tear stains on her am worried."skylar are you okay".i say.she gives me a weak smile."yeah am fine".she sounded horce. she see's the look on my face."bree am seriously am fine".she added."lets go have some fun".she said now all the sudden completely happy.mood swings am guessing but i cant help but think it's about the twins.

we got to the mall and shopped like crazy."what do you think about this".i said. i showed skylar a really big baggy shirt."i think we can fit half of america in there".she commented."come on it's going to cover your baby bump when it appears".i said. now that's smart thinking."superhero's don't get baby bumps our stomach stay the way they always are, we still experience the same pregnancy habits though".she explains.i nodded my head."okay what do you think about this".she says and shows me a white crop top with a pineapple on it."it's cute".i replied."okay want to hit the food court".i asked."sure".she answers as she puts the clothes in a bag.we paid,then went to the food court.  

i got a latte and skylar got a cappuccino.we talked for a little while."i finally feel normal,being out and not having to watch my back all the time".i stated." i wish i could say the same". skylar mummered. i know what she meant and now i feel bad about saying that."so how you holding with this 'milkshakes' stuff". i asked putting air quotes around the words milkshake. "every time i think it can't get worse it does".she sighs.i give her sympathetic smile."don't worry skylar you are doing the right the thing".i smile.i know exactly where am going with this."i am?".she questioned.

"yeah you are. these kids will be better off somewhere else anyway, they don't need you or chase.they will be perfectly happy somewhere way way way far away,am sure chase feels just the same way".i smile all happy. i get a text on my phone." i have to meet kaz".i i get up to get my things i look back at skylar. she let's out a disappointed sigh.

"i didn't know you felt that way,i thought you did want me to give them away,why didn't you try to talk me out of it".she said.

"i don't feel that way,and i don't want you to give them away.i didn't try to talk you out of it because you wanted me to talk you out of it.deep down inside you know the right thing to do".i said.

skylar's p.o.v

i watched bree walk away from me.i know she is right but i can't admit it.i have no choice is what i kept telling myself. but bree made me realize i do but i was just making excuse's for myself. not staying with these kids hurts everyone.

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