There's Something I Have to Say

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Levi's P.O.V
  I looked around the room in distraught. Eren woke up, "What's wrong?"
  My heart relaxed looking at him with a gentle smile. "Oh, just a bad dream is all,"
  "Well, everything is okay," he smiled back.

    I woke up in my bed hearing my cellphone go off. 'Damn, that was a dream.' I picked it up groggily, with a yawn. "Hello?"
   "Hello Mr. Ackerman, this is Dr. Emmerson concerning your husband,"
   My heart dropped, something was wrong.
  "Your husband passed away about ten minutes ago,"
   I dropped my cellphone.
   I slowly bent down to pick up my phone from the ground. "I-I'll be there shortly," I hung up the phone. Tears were in my eyes. The early morning was cold, my bedroom window slightly open.
  I stepped on two pieces of paper, addressed to me. I picked them up. My vision was blurred from my tears. I placed them on the nightstand, walking over to close the window.
I sighed, my heart felt empty, I was shaky. I knew that I was going to have to make some very difficult phone calls.
Letter 1
Dear Levi,
    Hun, I wish you were home more often. I understand that our jobs are in the way but I miss you. I feel like you don't make time for me anymore. I constantly wait and stay up at night waiting for you. Only, to be disappointed when you come home at one in the morning. I kissing you, and actually kissing you, no pecks, no rushed kisses. Not only in sex but just spend time and enjoy one another. I miss watching you smile when you enjoy something, I miss when we used to sit down and eat with each other, now all you talk about it Erwin. I guess I'm a little jealous since he was your ex and all. No matter, this ring proves your mine. Forever and always.

   My hands were shaky driving to the hospital. I wish I could just been with him, or die with him. He was my rock, my everything. I feel like such a douche for not being there for him. I knew something was going on. I had work so far in front of my face, I was blind sided to the real problem. I almost swerved into oncoming traffic by accident. I was too deep within my thoughts.
   Pulling up the the hospital parking lot, I wiped my tears with my jacket sleeve. "'s raining," I said to myself. It was ironic how when the light of my life was taken from me that it would rain.

Letter 2
   Dear Levi,
        Wow, these headaches are a bitch. I got my news and it's unfortunate. I have brain cancer Levi. I would tell you in person but I barely see you. It's funny what sacrifices you have to make when you're married. I hate just not seeing you then when we do have the time together, you're too tired and end up falling asleep on me or the other way around. Or we have sex. No matter, I'll be by your side. Even with this horrible illness, I'll make sure you win that damn case you worked so hard to get onto. My memories are getting worse, from small things to forgetting your name. How can I do that! I don't know, I guess one of the unfortunate symptoms of this disease. Writing is what's keeping me up beat somewhat. They get my emotions down, I just hope you know that I love you and can't wait to see you tonight.

  I entered the elevator to going up. Luckily, I was alone. I just wept on the ride up.
Leaving the elevator, I slowly approached the room. Heaviness in my heart, my eyes blood shot red, hands in pockets, I wasn't ready.
  There was the priest, Mikasa, Hanji, Erwin, and Armin, amongst others that were there to see Eren. I looked over past them and approached Eren's now deceased body. Mikasa was on the opposite side, holding his hand, her head down placed with sorrowful sobs of her now departed brother.
   I sat down in the chair beside Eren's hospital bed, on the he opposite side. Mikasa slowly lifted her head up and looked at me. Her eyes were just about as blood shot as mine.
  "H-he left this for you," she pointed to a letter addressed to me that was on his hospital tray.
  I took the letter and opened it.

Letter 3
  Dear Levi,
      Heh, it's funny how when a person is dying, you get to know how they truly think and or feel. Levi, I know my time is up, I'm scared. You made my life worth living, without meeting you I don't know where I would be. I'm sure it's the same with you. I had my doubts, but you being here with me all day and night, I know you love me. I want you to stay strong once I'm gone, move on, of course remember me, duh, but don't dwell on ill feelings. I don't want you to remember how sick or deprived I was in my final moments. I want you to remember the good times, times at the fair, our wedding, how we first met. The times where I was healthy and it was us against the world. I want you to be strong for my family, don't forget to tell Erwin to kiss my ass. Just kidding. I just want you to know, I am leaving this world knowing I don't have any regrets. Meeting you was just as great of an accomplishment and a fantastic goal. There's some I have to say Levi, that is, you are my true love; forever and always. When you look up at the stars, remember me, hearing, 'Mr. Blue Sky', remember me. I love you Levi Ackerman.

  I read the final lines of the letter. At this point, tears were on to the paper, smearing some on the ink. Turning my head to the side, I swore I felt someone's hand there. There was no one. I smiled softly.


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