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1. Zeus (Air)

2. Kraken (Water)

3. Typhon (Earth)  

4. Cerberus (Fire)

5. Gilgamesh (Steel)

6. Kronos (Time)

7. Bahamut (Darkness)

8. Metatron (Light)

9. King Arthur (Normal)

10. 9-Muses (Sound)

11. Brynhildr (Primal)

12. Serenity (Technology) 

13. Klondike (Ice)

14. Babel (Lightning)

15. Medusa (Stone)

16. Ifrit (Chaos)

17. Mephistopheles (Gravity) 

18. Kitsune (Soul)

19. Zephyr (Death)

20. Sithtar (Energy)

21. Alpha-Omega (Void)

22. Pestilence (Disease) 

23. Deus ex Machinima (Good)

24. Nightshade (Evil)

25. Anguish (Entropy) 

26. Storybook of Fables (Imagination)

27. Baku (Hearth)

28. Anubis (Cloth)

29. Chupacabra (Blood)

30. Behemoth (Smoke)

31. Quetzalcoatl (Nothingness)

32. Flipside (Hidden)

33. Mood Ring (Emotion)   

34. Sandman (Dreams)  

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