That was one of these times. Neglecting his features this time, since he couldn't even stare at himself right now, not ever since what happened yesterday, no he wasn't ready to look himself in the eye just yet. On his balcony, Jeongguk breathed the fresh air nature had to offer, sat down on his little chair and took the sight around him. Tried to spor any unusual glitches - he was taking precautions now, couldn't be too careful with his Utopia now, whatever happened yesterday Jeongguk would be even more aware of his surroundings. Paying close attention to the ugly mountain he despised so much he inspected it attentionatly - no glitching so far, so definitly a huge improvement.

He wasn't quite sure what he would do today, in fact Jeongguk was scared to even go out and explore again. He could always go outside, pick some apples and bake a pie, onlye problem was Jeongguk sucked at doing anything that involved an oven. Or he could always go stargazing and write down any new constelations he could find in the navy blue sky. Yeah, that's what he would do.

It has been a while since he looked through his telescope and saw the nightlife in his Utopia had to offer. A while back he found the explorer, or that's how he called the series of stars. They didn't resemble an explorer at all, but since he found it, and since he was an explorer, he decided to name it after himself.

Looking at the blue sky one last time before heading inside, Jeongguk let the Sun touch his face, giving him the warmth he craved. He stood up, giving one last look to that sketchy mountain, and headed into his room, ready to take a nap and wake up only when the Sun was already long gone.

Giving a brief look at himself in the mirror he had just walked past by, he realized that, the one in the mirror, wasn't him. Not the "Oh I look awful I haven't slept in 3 days" type of self, it literally wasn't him, his body, his figure. He stopped in his tracks, wondering if what he just saw was truly what he thought it was, or if it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

Jeongguk, painfully slowly, took a few steps back, just so he could see his face in the reflection, and carefully turned his head against the glass; upon seeing a complete stranger, Jeongguk fell butt first in the floor, crawling to his bed side table and breathing heavily ans staring at his hands, frantically touchinf his face. Who was that?
He looked everywhere to find an object that would show his reflection, until he layed eyes on his digital clock that was right next to him. That should work right? - He unplugged the watch from the plug and stared at it. It was still him, it was still Jeongguk in the clock's reflection. Then who the hell was the kid he saw in the mirror? That couldn't possibly be him.

Standing up, he rushed into the mirror, head down and eyes closed, his hands on each side of the mirror and breathing uneven with his lungs. He gained courage and looked straight at it.

"Who are you?" - Jeongguk asked, putting on his meanest facial expression and trying to give out a deep and a don't mess with me voice. He noticed the stranger's mouth didn't move at the same time as his; what the hell was this?

"I should be asking you that!" - It spoke! Jeongguk clearly didn't expect and answer all that early, in fact he didn't even expect an answer at all.

"You're in my mirror!"

"Well, so are you!"

Lucky for Jeongguk he didn't have anyone in his Utopia to see him act all crazy, I mean he was literally talking into a mirror like a lunatic. He ruffled his hair in frustration, wondering if this was really happening. This couldn't be real right? I mean, everything in his Utopia felt real but it wasn't. It was all a product of his subconscious, just like the instructions said, right? He couldn't be talking to someone in a mirror, a complete stranger that he had never layed eyes on, this was absolutly impossible. This had to be another glitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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