"Ana and Henry!"


"Come on in Brit is just getting Avery ready they should be down in a few, You can put Henry's seat next to Avery's"


"Then the living room is just down this hall and your first right when you are ready"

"Noted I'll be there in a few"

"No rush"

    I smiled a Carder as he headed off down the hall in the direction he had just pointed out to me. Setting Henry's car seat on the floor I set Avery's gift, and the diaper bag beside it for the moment and squatted down to get Henry out. Resting Henry on my hip I put the diaper bag into his car seat and picked up Avery's life and headed in the direction Carder had told me to go.

    Smiling I set my gift down where a few other were sitting and then went over to sit on the open chair in the room. Carder quickly introduced me to his parents, his sister Alicia, Britney's parents, and Britney's sister Catrina. I smiled at all of them. Both of their families seemed really nice and welcoming. I guess since they didn't originally go to school here I was the only friend coming to his thing which made me feel super weird, but also really happy.

    The fun little celebration we were having started as soon as Britney and Avery came downstairs. I almost instantly switched kids with Britney since I hadn't seen her in a while and Avery just looked absolutely adorable in her special half-birthday outfit. She was wearing a plain white onesie that had 'half' on the front in gold sparkles letters, a matching gold bow, and gold shoes, to top it all off she had on an adorable little pink, blue, and purple tutu.

    Sitting around hanging out with Britney and Carder's families was really nice, both f their sister was so sweet and had a ton of fun playing with Henry. If I can remember correctly I believe Carder's sister Alicia is starting the ninth grade at our school, and Britney's sister Catrina is going into her the eighth grade. But hey if they want to take my baby and play with him making him smile and laugh, giving me a little break I'm all for it. While the sisters entertained the babies we had some time to just hang out and talk about stuff.

"So when are you moving out Brit?"

"Oh actually change of plans, we are going to stay here for the senior year and then we can save even more money so we can get a better apartment next year when Carder goes to school wherever that might be"

"Aren't you going to school?"

"Yeah I think I'm going to go to teacher's college, I want to be like a kindergarten or maybe a grade one teacher"

"Oh that sounds super fun"

"I thought so, what about you?"

"I'm not sure that I'm going to go to school just yet, but I might, I think I'm going to do something like a daycare or my own home daycare"

"Ohhh that would be super fun, I better keep your number so you can take care of my future children"

"There are more children coming?"

"Eventually, I mean after we're married and done schooling"

"Yeah so when's that happening?"

"The wedding?"

"Yeah like did you set a date yet come on give me the details"

"Yeah we are thinking about maybe this summer after graduation and prom"

"Ohh that will be super fun"

"For sure, but really we aren't totally sure yet, but be on the lookout for an invitation"

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